How is this mix!? another TGM song inside? lol.. maybe.

Jun 2, 2005
But first i need to work on my mixes...ever since i got the new sound interface i need to do a lot of translating because the older soundcard was a bit of a liar. :lol:

Here is the song: song test feb-01.mp3

Let me know what you all think of the mix this time.. it's been hard to get it right but i think im on the right path again.

Umh, once again.. two POD XT tracks (getting ready to buy a DI box and try some amps at Lasse's!)
Drums are EZ drummer, reason for bass (again, ready to buy a bass and some software to get a real bass sound in the future)
Lot's of samples (nexus, sylenth1, WAV file samples) and that's basically it.

What sayeth you?
It's hard for me to hear any definition in the guitars for some reason.

I like the tech-hop beats and samples. Drums sound pretty good. It kinda sounds a bit loud overall too. Overall levels sound good to me.
R-comp first in the chain, that one can sort of mix the mix for you, if you know what i mean.
Then have a stereo expander in the chain, just use a weeeeeee bit, C4 for attack in the mix, especially in the drums and last i have voxengo elephant, however i set that one up pretty badly last time, i think this is where the loudness comes from.
Alright, let's see - listening to the newest one you posted, and the first thing to mention is I don't think I hear any clipping, though when the toms come in, there's this sorta sizzly thing going on, but it sounds more like an intentional synth rather than clip-city (though I can't be certain). Also, you gotta have the guitars hit at 0:59 like in the version you sent me before, not just the bass! Kick sounds great, though the snare is perhaps a bit thin. Keep it up though dude!

And I gotta say, this Pod tone - it works, but I can't wait until you get some Lasse reampage going on!
I'm liking it dude ...i think your on the right path for sure,,,,,for some reason when the kick goes to double bass on some parts it kinda sounds sloppy . i know you program , so i'm assuming you made it that way...but considering the type of music, it seem like it should be more dead on....that's just a matter of taste though, i dunno i might just be high

and i agree with Metaltastic i hear some sizzling on some parts also

Its prtty cool
simple and i like how you use reason with your music

Rewire is awesome I been playing around with that :headbang:
And I gotta say, this Pod tone - it works, but I can't wait until you get some Lasse reampage going on!

Yeah, I was thinking the same but on the other hand I think we should bear in mind that the style goes along very well with less organic tones like those from a POD. [slightly OT] Anyone like the music for the Commander & Conquer series?

Oh, and great music, as always :headbang::headbang:
Wow, listening on my laptop speakers and it allready sounds so huge ! Can't wait to take a listening on my monitors.

I agree with Shadow Walker, that the POD tone suits this kind of music very good. Hopefully I'm wrong and it will kick even more ass, after reamping.

Song is awesome again, can't wait for some vocals. Keep up the good work!!
Thanks a lot for listening and the feedback lads!

I'm liking it dude ...i think your on the right path for sure,,,,,for some reason when the kick goes to double bass on some parts it kinda sounds sloppy . i know you program , so i'm assuming you made it that way...but considering the type of music, it seem like it should be more dead on....that's just a matter of taste though, i dunno i might just be high

That's right, i can hear that as well.. funny thing is is that i did not even nudge the MIDI notes on the kick at all, it seems to be a case of wee misstriggering going on here.

On the POD XT.. im not sure what happened in the last few weeks, but im totally missing crunch now with the POD XT that i had before.. only option left for this is to add gain, which makes it too fizzy and well, too gainy... no definition really, it's still hard to define at the moment, and im struggling to do palm mutes without them sounding waaay too weak, and i do like my palm mutes but it's going downhill with the POD.
I've checked my cables, they're fine.. i've replaced my battery in the EMG's, so that's okay as well, not really sure what to do next with it, but im thinking DI'ing is the way to go for me and see what that brings.
I'll be moving in a few months, so hopefully this will allow me space to try micing up some amps myself.. but that's another story. :)