How does this mix sound? (new toxic grind machine inside) feedback?

Yeah.. about that, what are you suggesting after testing a few kits? im lookin at that littlelabs redeye right now for future recordings and this project.

mmm Redeye FTW!!

Absolutely loving this new one, man! Great stuff!

Not too big on the guitartone, but it does work for the song, I'd say.

What softsynth provided that ridiculously awesome sounding piano in the beginning?

Also, do you click in your synth stuff, or do you know how to play keyboard?
Very soon guitargodgt!!

mmm Redeye FTW!!

Absolutely loving this new one, man! Great stuff!

Not too big on the guitartone, but it does work for the song, I'd say.

What softsynth provided that ridiculously awesome sounding piano in the beginning?

Also, do you click in your synth stuff, or do you know how to play keyboard?

Do you mean the second mix or the first mix?

That softsynth would be nexus, that synth sounds amazing! has great reverbs on it, great sounding delays.. it's mainly for trance and techno it seems, but hell.. as for that piano.. it works right?

I used to play everything myself in the beginning.. but it just got so tedious to alter that stuff and get it right with a editor, i just started to pencil it in straight away.. waste of ma MCE keyboard, but it's faster.
Nice work mate, I like the drums especially. I cant seem to ever get my drums soudning like that with Dfh, I got the very first one, DFH Superior. Is it the same has Drum kit from hell or is a bit different sound wise to superior? reason why I ask this also is beacuse the case it came in is totally different to what els i've seen about. weird
God damnit I want to hear vocals so bad for some reason.

Nice Bob, nice. Mix sounds great and great songwriting!!!! Love the keys and ambient stuff. You're a master at that.
This mix sounds great. Even listening at work with crappy headphones and its an aural treat. Can't wait to check it out at home through Grados!
I don't like the first part of the song (when the first riff start) because it's too much happy and the atmosphere of your songs aren't... Moreover the second guitars riff (before the little stop) is very very similar to another riff you wrote sometime ago.
Anyway you're inspirate as usual...very good songwriting
awesome job as usual...cheers! gotta say though, my favorite guitar tone was used on the track "Veil Of Sin" ...I believe you used just 2 tracks as well...Killer tone!