How is this mix? (new toxic grind machine song inside)... solo - keithrt99.mp3

i took the liberty of soloing over that section, for shits and giggles. I'm no yngwie malmsteen, but i think it sounds alright.

This sounds really cool KeithRT99. Did you start to harmonize the faster part? I don't know if it''s real low in the mix or if I'm hearing it in my head. You should do that to the whole faster section or even the whole solo (an octave or 3rd or 5th or something lower). Even if you did the harmony part without the wah I think it would sound so much cooler.

Bob, I actually have some criticism for you this time. :lol: To much compression. I think. I'm sure I'm hearing it the most in the beginning and when the nice 'booms' come in. Maybe this is what you want?

Also I'm thinking of having a go at a solo after KeithRT99's section. Where does the whole solo section end? 6:05? That would be 2 free sections that haven't been posted yet. I might just want to try the first one right after Keiths cause I don't want to be a hog. :)
This sounds really cool KeithRT99. Did you start to harmonize the faster part? I don't know if it''s real low in the mix or if I'm hearing it in my head. You should do that to the whole faster section or even the whole solo (an octave or 3rd or 5th or something lower). Even if you did the harmony part without the wah I think it would sound so much cooler.

thanks. there's a harmony there, it's just low in the mix. i thought about doing an octave or something of that nature, but i like the way it sounded so i went with it.
God fucking damnit I need to buy DFHS.

That drum programming is great.

I don't mean to hijack your thread but... DFHSers need to explain something to me before I buy it. I'm running the original DFH right now with Battery, and I usually have 4 instances of Battery open on 4 separate tracks: OHs, toms, snare, and kicks. With DFHS I see that your whole kit is in one instance of the my question then is, how do you apply effects to individual drums? Do you have to have multiple instances open for each drum? That wouldn't seem too efficient to me...

How does EZDrummer work?

I apologize for my ignorance.
God fucking damnit I need to buy DFHS.

That drum programming is great.

I don't mean to hijack your thread but... DFHSers need to explain something to me before I buy it. I'm running the original DFH right now with Battery, and I usually have 4 instances of Battery open on 4 separate tracks: OHs, toms, snare, and kicks. With DFHS I see that your whole kit is in one instance of the my question then is, how do you apply effects to individual drums? Do you have to have multiple instances open for each drum? That wouldn't seem too efficient to me...

How does EZDrummer work?

I apologize for my ignorance.

Nay worries dude..

With DFHS (you'll have to do with my late friday night english here :lol: ) you only open up one sampler, and that sampler contains individual tracks where you can insert plugins on each drum instrument.

You just open DFHS once, it will automatically divide individual tracks.
So you have a track for the kick, snare, bottom snare, tom 1 up to 5, hihats, OH and AMB...
And on each individual track, you can insert as much plugins as your host allows you...

I don't know how this works with EZ, since i don't have that (yet)... but i think that would work the same way.