New instrumental track mp3 - need feedback

Clouds at 4:00 sounds amazing Splatt!

When those first notes hit me, the whole mix sounds so solid allready, and in comes the weird guitar sounds.. then the distorted guitars, the drums hit harder, im loving it like mcdonalds!

You are one of the very few who can get that distinctive sound of the POD XT plus DFHS combo and turn it into something heavy without it sounding like the most of the musicians who use DFHS and POD as well... so kudos for that as well...

I feel the most important aspect in your mix is that bass guitar.. the rest is good, but the bass (<--did i just intend a pun?) seems to be the base, and it's solid as a pair of fake titties...

Cool mix, kickass sound, nothing to add..
Wow only one response on this track. Damn, personally I think everything sits perfectly. Good fucking track without a doubt, mix is solid as fuck as well as the tune itself. Good Work man!
Horns up!
IMO the dist guitars part doesn&#180;t cause much of an impact. Maybe some automation to make things a bit smaller before they hit. Than make everything bigger.
You used some sound replacement in DFHS right? If so wich samples, sounded perfect. Again horns up! Specially to the bass/drums sound.

Fuck I need a PodXT bass!
Black neon bob said:
Clouds at 4:00 sounds amazing Splatt!

You are one of the very few who can get that distinctive sound of the POD XT plus DFHS combo and turn it into something heavy without it sounding like the most of the musicians who use DFHS and POD as well... so kudos for that as well...

Wow, thanks a lot for that.
theblackmoon said:
Horns up!
IMO the dist guitars part doesn´t cause much of an impact. Maybe some automation to make things a bit smaller before they hit. Than make everything bigger.
You used some sound replacement in DFHS right? If so wich samples, sounded perfect. Again horns up! Specially to the bass/drums sound.

Fuck I need a PodXT bass!

Yeah, the guitars need to come up. I actually had them a lot higher in the mix but then I think I cleared the automation at the beginning of the guitar track and they stayed lower. I'll boost them back up. No samples used on the drums, but I do have two DFHS kicks going on. On is the Sonar kick for the nose of the kick and the Premiere kick provides most of the roundness in the bottom. It is gated, then EQ'd, then compressed for attack, then severely limited with an L3 multimaximizer with a long release, then compressed again for attack. I'm really starting to like this method of compression. The reverb adds makes a huge difference in the kick. Its the Lexicon kick preset in Sonar 5. I added reverb, then compressed, not the other way around.
Splat88 your music is awesome!! Really impressive. Hey guys check all the other tracks out especially Misplaced Experts. This guy can even sing! Reminds me a little of Jonah Jenkins from Only Living Witness and the singer in Chum. Too bad the track isn't finished. This needs to be released in some way! Respect!
Gizmogloben said:
Splat88 your music is awesome!! Really impressive. Hey guys check all the other tracks out especially Misplaced Experts. This guy can even sing! Reminds me a little of Jonah Jenkins from Only Living Witness and the singer in Chum. Too bad the track isn't finished. This needs to be released in some way! Respect!

Thanks a lot. I wish I could sing, but I can't very well other than some harmony backups. That's my friend Jake who I've played with for years now. Its funny, both Jake and I listened to Only Living Witness and Clockhammer religiously back in the day.
This is great sound, man!
It is really solid and heavy.

Actualy which snare is this?

I really like your guitar tones.

Good job!
ReliXKeepeR said:
This is great sound, man!
It is really solid and heavy.

Actualy which snare is this?

I really like your guitar tones.

Good job!

Thanks guys. The snare is the Pearl 3 snare in DFHS. I love that one.
DSS3 said:
Alright, how the hell are you getting that much body out of the snare and tightness/clarity in the kick without triggering? LOL

There's two kicks, the Premiere, then the Sonar. They are time aligned, then I reversed the phase of the Sonar. The combo gives a cool hollow sound. I think the huge key in getting a clear kick is a high pass filter to remove the really low end. I do a really steep high pass at about 45 HZ, then cut a lot at 175HZ and 280HZ. I high shelf at 7k and boost with a sharp peak around 7.5k. With out the highpass, it sounds really muddy. The kicks are then gated, compressed with a C1 for attack, then limited like crazy. I think I dropped the threshold all the way down on the limiter for the Premiere kick to get it really loud, then compressed it again for attack with a 20ms attack a 1ms release to get it to pop. Also, I exported the overhead and ambient kick tracks without any other drums in them and mixed them in a very similar process with the close mics. The close mics will not sound like this by themsleves! Your hearing about 40% of the room mics in that kick.
DSS3 said:
Alright, how the hell are you getting that much body out of the snare and tightness/clarity in the kick without triggering? LOL

For the snare, there's 3 close tracks plus room mics. Top mic compressed, top mic really compressed, and the bottom mic. A great trick for the DFHS snare is to use Voxengo Crunchessor compressor. I have yet to find a compressor that will punch in the same way, but then you have to run it into Cubase's VST Softclip. Set the attack on the compressor at 20ms, release at 1 ms, set it to Valve 1 and "punch". Drive at about 25 and then raise the input until you get about 10 db gain reduction on each snare hit. Then raise the hell out of the output and slam it into VST's soft clip until it starts to distort. The L1, L2 etc, will NOT work like the VST soft clip for this. It punches very hard. Then add another snare track with any compressor that has a 0 ms attack and 1 ms release and limit it severely. The bottom mic is not compressed at all. Mix the three together and viola. Room snare mics are EQed and compressed, but not as severly.
Yeah, the guitars need to come up. I actually had them a lot higher in the mix but then I think I cleared the automation at the beginning of the guitar track and they stayed lower. I'll boost them back up. No samples used on the drums, but I do have two DFHS kicks going on. On is the Sonar kick for the nose of the kick and the Premiere kick provides most of the roundness in the bottom. It is gated, then EQ'd, then compressed for attack, then severely limited with an L3 multimaximizer with a long release, then compressed again for attack. I'm really starting to like this method of compression. The reverb adds makes a huge difference in the kick. Its the Lexicon kick preset in Sonar 5. I added reverb, then compressed, not the other way around.

So is the reverb an insert on the kick channel before the eq and compression or is it a send?

Thanks man
Mybee you could have posted this in the right section though? I'm only being a little bitch about it cos I hate the look of the forum once the Mods move all the threads to the right topic.
Mybee you could have posted this in the right section though? I'm only being a little bitch about it cos I hate the look of the forum once the Mods move all the threads to the right topic.

Wow, this thread is old. The sections had not been created when I posted this. I posted this in May of 2006.
So is the reverb an insert on the kick channel before the eq and compression or is it a send?

Thanks man

Reverb is an insert. The two kicks are EQed and limited, then I inserted reverb on a group channel with the two kicks and slammed the limiter and compressor least that's how I remember it. It was a really long time ago.