Here's a new TGM song.. cyber metal with a shitload of synths.

Jun 2, 2005
aye, time for a new song finally.. got hung up on not being able to write for a while, so i took some old ideas and riffs, blend them in together and created some new stuff around it.

No vocals yet, sorry.. it's called Xenomorph:

Drums are DFHS for cymbals and the kick.. samples on the kick offcourse, snare is EZ drummer's snare, 6 tracks of POD XT, shitload of synths (nexus, absynth, toxic III, vanguard, east west choirs, albino 3, etc) and reason for bass.

Looking for some feedback on the mix and the song itself.. i notice now how much of a difference a MP3 can make compared to what you hear in your host/WAV file with the RME btw, it might be bit too hot now which i noticed once i exported it... enjoy and let me know what you think.

I also wonder how people react to the riff that starts at 2:34.. does it fool you into thinking that there will be a different BPM/rhytm style from that point on? just curious.
the part at 4:30 is epic as fuck, although i was kinda hoping for a trance beat or something. Pretty cool track. I liked the music and the mix, although i would say the synths sounded alittle cloudy.
Oh man!!cool song and i like the mix!!!i'm waiting for toms,i'm really curious about their mix and processing in the song..
Deadly as always, dude! Can you talk a bit more about what you're doing with the kicks, Rob? What samples are you running, how are you blending them, and how are you processing them? Your kick drums always sound deadly!
Cheers lads..

Pxz, yes.. two tracks for low end and mids (panned left and right), two with scooped mids and more bite, and two with nothing but bite, no low end and low mids, mixed in just a wee bit.. not sure if i need 6 tracks in total to be honest, but fuck it.. i wanted to try something new.

Mattia, cheers.. the toms i need to seperate from EZ drummer first, i have the EZ kick, snare and toms all coming through in one channel which makes it hard to mix the toms as they are not yet seperated, will do that soon.

Eschatologist, the kick.. i have no compression on it, just the stock DFHS sonor kick to begin with, i then upload "brain kick" into aptrigga, which is basically the pantera kick we all know mixed in with another sample and a wee reverb tail, then i EQ it a bit.. scoop at 250Hz, and get some click in there for more attack by boosting the higher regions (dont know what i did from the top of my head now) plus i also add just a hint of EZ kick which makes it sounds a bit bigger and a bit wider... i must say im very happy with the drum sound i got here, allthough i feel the snare might be a tad too dry, but then again it is pretty upfront now, which i like as well.
Oh yeah, what's different this time is that i went easy on the mastering as well.. just C4 and some EQ to clean up the low end and to avoid annoying high end.
PWNS tits Bobert - the guitars are a touch too loud IMO, but I do mean a touch (and of course, the Pod tone makes baby jesus cry :D) Otherwise fucking awesome as usual!
Still listening but couldn't wait to type this. Amazing song.

Its a little hot, I'm hearing some clipping.
The synths sound AWESOME but I think could be a little more scooped cos, as has been said, they're a little cloudy.
The kick has some really soft room I think that sounded a little weird in the ambient parts. Not against it but it sounded like it was delayed from the original sample or something? Not suer, something weird going on then. Maybe its the fact that its stereo? A kick's room generally sounds better in mono, I've found (and most 'rock' album where a kick is solo'd with a lot of room, its mono). Just sounds cleaner.
I would put some (more?) room into the snare, sounds great in the heavy bits but in the ambient bits it sounds a little thin and fake.
Not totally a fan of the arpeggios at about 4;10ish and on the riff after that - I'd drop their volume a TOUCH.

Guitars sound insane, especially for a POD. I don't think they're too loud. They are a TINY bit boomy in the chugs (listening at 3;10 here).
This whole dual/triple amp thing is surprisingly effective. Someone want to try one amp for 50-100Hz, one amp for 100-200Hz, one for 200-400Hz? ;p

Despite all the comments, easily your best mix yet. Burn Bright was quite cloudy, this one's low-end has filled out very nicely and the synths sit much better.

Thanks for having a listen guys..

Morgoe, great feedback.
Agreed on the synths, i'll clear them up a bit.. the kick does have that soft roomy sound to it, i also blended in a trance kick during the ambient parts that makes sound much more roomy then it actually is, i sort of like that. :)

It seems that the RME is getting me better results now as im able to hear more defenition in the low end/mids now, glad i bought it afterall.