A electro, orchestral industrial death and black metal pretentious track!

Toxic Grind Machine

black neon bob
Jul 31, 2011
Btw, could not upload it to soundcloud for easier click and listening pleasure.. for some reason i get pops and clicks, no matter what bitrate i upload it to.
Your demo sounds a lot better than most completed mixes that people post here.
And jeez, it's loud as balls. What's that RMS averaging at?
I shall check it out tonight, no clue right now haha.. but it IS a bit too loud at the moment for it's own good.
That's the great thing about doing demos though, test it and crank it.

Cheers for listening man.
post it for mix if you can, would help newcomers(and give em a headache) in symphonic stuff
Thanks dude!

I did not process the guitars btw, quadtracked them but it still needs some compression and EQ, should sound better by then.