Here's a new TGM song.. cyber metal with a shitload of synths.

Nice song!...I like how you mix heavy guitars with this kind of synths.
The middle riff was great...thanks to the drums mostly!

Personally, I felt that the kick and the snare could be "fatter"...
Another win, Bob. I can't hear anything but compositional genius here...and more fucking atmosphere than planet earth! If only that vocalist of yours would make some sound as well :Smug:

Loving the arrangement especially, every next part compliments the last without being too samey or riff salad-y.

Another win, Bob. I can't hear anything but compositional genius here...and more fucking atmosphere than planet earth! If only that vocalist of yours would make some sound as well :Smug:

Loving the arrangement especially, every next part compliments the last without being too samey or riff salad-y.


Haha.. you crack me up man! :lol:

And cheers for the comments so far guys, im sure we'll see this one complimented with some great vocals pretty soon, first we'll demo 4-5 songs and take it from there.