A spanking new toxic grind machine done! more synths then ever before..

Jun 2, 2005
We are really proud of this one:

192Kbps: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/546041/AphidhaZe (Changing Shapes).mp3

HQ Wav: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/546041/AphidhaZe (Changing Shapes).wav

I'll let Trevor esplain all the vocal tech stuff if needed.. sounds amazing to me!

I used:

- 4 tracks of POD XT.
- Addictive Drums (combined with samples).
- Reason Bass combined with a real bass (real bass for low end, reason for the high end).
- And lots and lots of synths.. albino 3, toxic III, vanguard, biohazard, absynth 3, imposcar, etc, etc, etc.

Have at it.. let us know what you think!
Really like the kick!
Snare is cool too...
something strange about the guitars though :/
Synthsstuff and vocals are far beyond cool man! the song is also REALLY interesting, congrats man!
damn, that was awesome! the only thing that i found a bit wierd was the guitars but it wasnt bad or anything. The vocals were done so well i was impressed GJ.
Sjees thanks dudes!

And yes, the guitars might seem a bit weird in this mix.. it's probably because i had to make room for the shitload of synths.. perhaps i can get them to stand out a bit more, but i also kind of like them this way.. we'll see.
I have 7 words for you.... HOLY SHIT. Oh wait, that's only 2 words. This is amazing work as always, Bob!!!!
:D So the party began already??
Hey there Bobo' any chance of those vocal re-adjustments?

And wow, THANK YOU ALL for the great feedback thus far. The machine loves you looong time in return :dopey:
:D So the party began already??
Hey there Bobo' any chance of those vocal re-adjustments?

And wow, THANK YOU ALL for the great feedback thus far. The machine loves you looong time in return :dopey:

It is done sir.. btw, i also fiddled around with the guitars and added a wee bit more high end to them, and took away some lower mids for more clarity.
I have to be honest and say that it sounds good, but somehow I just ended up with a taste of "meh" in my mouth in the end. Didn't get me excited at all. When the guitars enter it doesn't increase in volume, it just gets blurry. Feels like it is overcompressed and needs to be more dynamic on the part transitions to make an impact. Or maybe it's the bass.