One song a day

That does certainly not fail. To summarize, good stuff! Everything about the song writing was quality. I think doing a song per day can be a pretty good idea to spark creativity.

Production-wise, it was obviously very good sounding in general. I didn't "pick it apart" with my ears or anything, but it's definintly a solid mix. Alot better than my own! The problem I have with it is the digital-ness if it all and maybe that the drums are a bit to prominent in the mix. It seems like it would be hard to fix some vocals in there for example.
But that's just nitpicking really.
your drum sound is PHENOMENAL! :worship: they just sound so realistic and professional. please share some tips on what you do and use for samples. and you could post some if you want.. especially those cymbals....:)

edit: the song fucking rules too!
YES, you must post one song per day, that would be awesome!! All of your stuff is great, and this is no exception!!
Wow guys, thanks alot for the feedback!

The Unavoidable: Yeah I agree with you that it sounds quite digital hehe.. It's not that bad though. Yeah it's not really done with vocals in mind, if we get vocals on it I'll remix it :)

DeathByDrums: I'm from Sweden, and yeah a collab would be neat :)

TheDude: haha.. javisst :p The amp is a Gorilla Tube Cruncher, also known as the worlds worst guitar amp. Just kidding.. it's Rivälvär mkIII

utarefson and Beneath the beast: thanks guys!
utarefson: Sure..
I'm running Cubase SX v1.01(haha) and Wavelab
I have an M-Audio Fast track Pro interface
And I use revalver and a shit load of plugs :) (waves,voxengo and others)
Not much more to say really :) I don't know shit about recording really.. I just use my ears and tweak until I think it sounds alright.