Online CD Order sites?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Are any of them worth it?

The metal CDs in Oz music shops are usually really over-priced, and treated as 'special imports'. So I figure I may cut out the middle man and just do the importing myself.
Is there not a variety of online stores in Aus Ermz?

I know what you mean about the rip off though, at the height of the music boom just before the internet piracy really took off, Virgin Megastores charged me a whopping £22.99 for Metallica's Garage Inc.
I use cdwow a lot. Takes awhile until the cd's gets to you. But cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 6 CD's for 12 euro (including shipping):
Whitechapel - This is exile
Black Dahlia Murder - Nocturnal
Metallica - Clipping Death
Devil Wears Prada - With branches....
and some others which I forgot..
I just go direct to the labels usually. Though the bigger labels don't tend to have much cheaper pricing when you factor in shipping. Willowtip and Relapse are pretty good to go through, but I don't know whether their range would appeal to you too much.
I just go direct to the labels usually. Though the bigger labels don't tend to have much cheaper pricing when you factor in shipping. Willowtip and Relapse are pretty good to go through, but I don't know whether their range would appeal to you too much.

+1 CM distro usually has what I need, good prices and fast shipping. Otherwise Amazon and Ebay. Definitely way cheaper then in the stores.