Good sites to buy cds online in Europe


Jan 14, 2002
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I usually go to "real" stores to buy my Cds, and I bought online only once because I really couldn't find anywhere else what I was looking for....but now I'm starting to be fed up of waiting for ages until I can find a Cd or to travel miles and miles to find good CDs I'm asking you if you could suggest me some online sites...(the cheapest the better!)
I live in Italy where it's still uncommon to purchase most of the sites I found are either in the UK, Germany or USA... but sometimes the shipping costs seems to be too high...

btw how is your attitue towards buying stuff online? Do you think it's safe using credit cards and so on online?
I havnt bought offline in over a year accept at the Katatonia show in june! Its just cheaper than anywhere else, even with shipping. I buy alot on ebay, I think if you are buying normal cds (not rare) your gonna do good as far as pricing because collectors already have those cds so your only competition is non-collectors. is also noteworthy. Things are extremely secure through paypal, so if you have a credit card it is the way to go.This is all U.S. stuff so I dont know how it will work out for you. Hope I helped some though. :wave:
You should indeed consider The End Records. Even though they're in the US, they're usually cheaper than any European stores. Their postage costs aren't too bad if I remember right.
CDON seems to have recently expanded its area-which-they-sell-to to the whole Europe instead of just some Scandinavian countries and Holland. They have some really nice discounts, and a solid 3,95 euro per shipping postage cost.

There's practically no risk using a credit card online, other than if the store you're buying from decides to screw you over. Even if it's a slightly underground firm, that's highly unusual, because the word does get around. The times I've ordered stuff through my cousin's mother, there's been no problems with the credit card business.
i often buy on ebay, there's no need to convince you of how worthy it could be sometimes. talking about safe purchasing there is a bit irrelevant though.
have to say i really prefer to gather things online (mostly cds) 'cause music stores here have nothing more than a pretty poor stock so you need to make an extra order every time you want to get something not that popular or rare in a way. (still haven't seen BYD yet, for example)
my two preferred mailorders, here in Germany (postal shipping cost is really not that high if i remember well): - much better than Nuclear Blast - just the best! they offer new stuff, as well as second hand merchindise. bottom prices and a huge variety.

I had to type it out 3 times just to emphasize how much they kick ass! Free shipping!!!! It takes about a week for the cd's to come to your door. Their selection is quite massive and they only sell metal bands. No pop shit! Between them and Amazon I get every cd I want! (Except novembrine waltz which I'm still trying to track down)
get some info about the custom policy before ordering anything. they could put an additional tax on the actual price if they consider them as commercial stuff. like you're gonna sell them.
AllWithinMyMonster said:

I had to type it out 3 times just to emphasize how much they kick ass! Free shipping!!!! It takes about a week for the cd's to come to your door. Their selection is quite massive and they only sell metal bands. No pop shit! Between them and Amazon I get every cd I want! (Except novembrine waltz which I'm still trying to track down)

Ebay has one. Auction ends in 1 day and 22 hours from now.
I can't use ebay bro. Lost my paypal sn lol. Plus I got ripped off for 10 bucks 2 yrs ago when I won a metallica shirt auction. Sent the asshat 10 bucks... Never seen the shirt! I emailed the band regarding acquiring a copy. So hopefully they'll come through and sell me one! Thanks though! :)
@Monster: The free shipping at TheEnd is only for North America though, and since he/she was asking for shops in Europe he's/she's bound to pay some shipping costs. Not that much of course, but some.

They even have BYD for a good price. Sent them my money via bank transfer and got my items within a few days (to Austria). It's a German onlineshop btw, but they also have a English site interface. Got a full catalogue a month ago and it seems that they also have some interesting rare stuff. Located in belgium. I'm creating this guy webstore. he's quite a trustworthy guy and has a lot of brutal stuff, but atm he is still entering all the datails in his shop, fair prices, fair shipping costs (postal costs) and has got some pretty limited stuff aswell
TheFourthHorseman said:
@Monster: The free shipping at TheEnd is only for North America though, and since he/she was asking for shops in Europe he's/she's bound to pay some shipping costs. Not that much of course, but some.
true, but i bought BYD from them and it still turned out cheaper than the other online stores with postage, and they came really quick too.