Online/free books on audio engineering?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
So, the mall closest to me doesn't have a book store any more. I've heard some of you recommend AE books for beginners and whatnot. Are there any online books or free reads that are good? Or even recommend actual books and I can buy them off the net? Used to love reading as a kid, grew out of actual books and the majority of the reading I do is on the computer, but it'd be great to get my hands on some actual books. Thanks!
I recommend the Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Handbook, I think everyone dealing with audio shit should have it, you probably know most of what it contains, but it's a great reference.

That Modern Music Mixing Engineer or whatever book that I see recommended everywhere seems kind of lame. I paged through at a bookstore and didn't find anything beyond basic knowledge.

I will say, buying books for the specific software/tools you use can sometimes be a great investment. Seeing someone else's workflow and learning features you weren't totally aware of can help you become a more efficient user.

Music Law: How To Run Your Band's Business is ok primer into legal bullshit.
I also always look for interesting books on business when I'm at thrift shops, the business side is not as interesting, but it's very useful.

I know I just zapped a bunch of not online/free books, but that's off the top of my head. I'll see if I have any useful online info. / (they were the same site) used to be great. Best I can tell it's no longer active. It's too bad since there was a LOT of useful info archived there.

You can probably find a web archive of it using Wayback Machine etc.