Online personality v. real world v. work v. whatever.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Was discussing this the other night with friends, how some people act completely different depending on who they are around.

The only time I act different is when I'm at work, I don't change my personality but I don't really say much of anything while here. I'm known as that quiet dude that listens to weird music.

The only difference between my online personality and real world is that I'm more of a spaz on teh intarweb. I've never said OMGWTFLOLZ in person is what I'm trying to say. :loco:

Duhhhhhhh yeah, so I'm trying to avoid an important project due at 5pm, entertain me.
yeah I'm a bit more tolerant and non-nazi and non-FUCK YOU POSER SCUM METAL ÜBER ALLES at work too, otherwise I'm me all the time. Funniest guy you'll ever know, likes to get drunk, HEAVY METAL MANIAC, deep at times etc etc and I hate christianity AND most christians. I let most slip at work though because they give me money.
I'm a more calm version of my online self in real life. Though, at times I get friggin annoying... and at times I get reaaallly quiet and I don't talk to anybody. At school and work, I'm really nice and respectful. At places that my respect is not needed, I am disrespectful towards music that I don't listen to.
I act more subdued, friendly, and less ditzy (or try to be) IRL and especially at work.

Also, I'm less annoying and much more calm in person. Around certain people and those I meet for the first time, I'm often quite shy at first and don't talk much.
I think on-line = real life, but work is wholly different.

Then again, if anyone acted that same at work as they did outside of work, we'd all be fired. :loco:
I'm somewhat more reserved IRL. I still talk a lot, just not so enthusiastically and profanity-laced, and a lot more coherently. When I'm drunk, I act like I do online. When I'm drunk online, then the fun begins.

Oh yeah, a couple of my friends and I say "WTF" and "PWNED!" lot. But that's because we're stoner WoW-playing dorks.
I say "w00t" in real life sometimes :saint:

I think I'm pretty much the same all across the board, though at work I keep myself to myself more because even though most of the people there are alright, they're not my mates and I rarely open up to strangers. No no.
My personality would get me banned from many worksites and my training program. I have to be the guy who never says anything.
I'm more of a spaz and all that other shit in real life actually. I'm actually a bit ghetto as well because of my surroundings growing up and always say whatever the fuck I want. ...not to mention my temper, which I dont usually show online.
i am pretty much the same opinionated prick in real life as online ... i think Nad and JK can attest to that. :lol: ... I also do look like this ( :loco: ) in real life.

NAD actually is pretty tame in person compared to his online antics, from the one time I met him anyway (ok so the drunken message at 4 am proves otherwise)
Bah, when I'm at my stinking job, I have to be all pedagogic and educational and shit, never allowed to say what I think or feel. Thankfully, I'm quitting soon.

I'm more or less the same online as I am in real life. Don't really see the point in acting different on a place I've seeked out as an escape from every-day formalities.