Online Stores vs Local Stores


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
How do you guys feel about this? I know online is always cheaper, but if I see an album or book at a local store I always buy it. I feel like supporting the local stores is the "right" way to go.
so I guess this will probably be one of those threads that everyone agrees with and in 5 years Jerry will bump it saying "wtf is going on with this!?! support local business!!!"
The thing is, how many of the references I'm looking for at a given time are carried by an independent local store? 5-10% I'd say from experience. I'm talking music here, I almost never buy books online.
Majority of food I buy from local small places. Restaurants I generally avoid chains. The other chunk of eatery supply is from Trader Joe's.

Music gear is almost exclusively independent, usually from single person operations. If I have a big name brand item, I most likely bought it used.

Music and other fun I'm kinda all over the place. Pretty bad about buying independent label shit from Amazon because I'm lazy. :rolleyes:
Fuck that noise, if a Wal-Mart was within a convenient distance of me, I'd be shopping there exclusively. I don't hold any magnanimous delusions of grandeur that I'm supporting my community by giving my dollars to local businesses. Who says these mom and pop assholes are decent human beings to begin with? Pop is probably diddling his niece, while mom is turning a blind eye. Hell, atleast Wal-Mart employs the unemployable. Who else gives an 80 yr old man 60 bucks a day for saying hello? I support single mothers, $1 at a time.

As far as music goes, the majority of my purchases are made via online distros, unless I feel randy, and drive on down to Amoeba. Though those trips have become fewer and farther between, as I hate rubbing elbows with poseur scum in the black metal aisle. Yep, I'm that tr00. I also front for an Iraqi black metal band.
Books, music, games, electronics I'll buy online. Saving a few bucks is way more important than supporting a local business. Save me money first!

There has been a few times where I'll head down to the bookstore to buy a book because I need something to read IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER.
I'm probably the only person in the intensive care unit right now laughing out loud right now because of that