Ghost Reveries in Borders stores

People should name their internet CD vendor, range of prices there, and how long it takes to reach you. In the US or Canada preferrably. Kind of like a friendly contest that also helps people out.

The best place I have found is The End records. Usually every album I order is 13 or under, free shipping and reaches my home in 2-3 days max. Very nice selection of bands too but hardly any merch.
zortz said:
My Borders must suck then. Half the time they don't even have the books I'm looking for (big SF/F fan here), let alone music.

I usually hit Rasputin for music. They have a big metal section (yes, separate section for metal. they even have a separate section for prog, if I recall).

Fuck yeah, Rasputin has a huge Metal selection when put in comparison to other record shops. That's where I ago when ever I'm in San Jose.
Austin said:
Wait Borders has Opeth? Well now they have sold out. i don't mind some kids at the mall liking my heroes but a bunch of book reading dorks!? THATS IT FUCK OPETH!

The dream is dead.

But haven't Opeth fans always been a bunch of book-reading dorks?
The nearest FYE to me has a very very nice metal section of its own and a few employees in there that actually care about whats in it. I haven't been in many stores where you can have a chat with not only employees, but the manager about good metal (especially to find out they know what they are talking about). One little suburban sound shop I wandered into a couple of years back was interesting. I asked if they had any Opeth, and the moron thought I asked for otown. Oh well, can't blame someone for ignorance..... oh wait, yes you can.
Most Borders carry a few Opeth albums. I've seen Orchid, and the somewhat hard to find SL jewel case edition. Borders usually has a really good selection of metal mags. I also bought Lords of Chaos there.