The latest Ghost Reveries on Amazon

prowlergrig said:
lawl, you're a mod, why don't you just delete the posts?

Straight out.. I would rather not run the forum like a nazi fascist. It's tempting sometimes... and I'm far from perfect, but many times I will make a comment hoping the thread will correct itself (which in reality means I hope the posters will pull their heads out of their asses and get back on topic). I try to consider the posters who may have contributed on-topic posts, sometimes long ones, only to have someone post "STFU, unfunny noob!" and other shite only to get the whole thread deleted.... which eventually happens anyway many times unfortunately. Also, I sometimes post a comment which would reveal my reasoning for deleting a thread before I actually do, so the board can see what's up and why the thread is "scheduled for deletion". It's a courtesy actually. I also don't want to set a precedent that people can post shit and I'll just swoop right in and clean it up for them. I don't follow my own kids around with a broom and dustpan.... I teach them not to make messes.
All of they're work is great I don't give two shits what other people think. If I like it I will say so. This forum has grown to be a bunch of fucking whiney bitches who come home everyday and see what is the lastest "hate" thread and reply about the same damn thing. Most of you people need to respect other peoples decisions! If they want to say it's they're worst album fine but crucify him/her because of it.
WHAT?!?!?! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this.

I can't get enough of GR. In fact, I would have to say that it would be one of my 'desert island discs'. The album is majestic.

I apologise for not addressing this in detail but quite frankly I'm in shock. Each to his own and all but I really think that stating "this is a bad album" had to be one of the dumbest comments I've read in a long time. Have you actually listened to the care that Opeth have put into GR? Just take the drumming on Ghost Of Perdition for starters. Its absolutely mind blowing!

As I said, each to his own but I just can't understand why any Opeth fan would think this is a bad album.
