Confessions of an Opeth Fan...Ghost Reveries and Faceculture interview...

This forum makes me laugh. I really like Ghost Reveries, to me it's just a new direction, like there have been new directions on past recordings. Some smart bloke made the point before though, if you don't like the direction, take a different one yourself.
Ghost Reveries is tied for my favorite album along with Still Life. I love them all though, Orchid-Ghost Reveries are all amazing. I don't care what musical direction they go in because Mike is such a great songwriter I know it's going to be great. I love it all from In Mist She Was Standing to Isolation Years. I'm more of a music fan in general than I am a metalhead so I don't really care how heavy or soft their albums are as long as it's good music. And for me it has all been amazing so far.
I don't understand all this negaitve talk about GR at all. Infact Im really excited about the way Opeth are evolving!! The only Opeth album I could possibly say was slightly under par would be Deliverance. Its still an awesome album but it just feels like its missing a little something compared to other albums...

Btw Mike, Im very glad you guys have decided to tour New Zealand this time round..

Cheers & cya soon in Kiwi land!!
man, opeth isnt simply about what you like. mikael and the boys are writing these songs as more for themselves than us fans. how can you criticise GR? It's what Opeth have been doing for their entire existence: writing songs that they feel a connection with. its worked for 7 albums (8 IMO) so why should they stop? opeth is moving in a different direction. you cant expect them to write albums and albums (LPs and LPs if you like) of the same sounding music. it will get stale and boring. thus, the new direction. if you dont like a couple of songs, then fine. just dont post pointless criticisms taking a swipe at the greatest band in the world. fool.

EDIT: directed at the fool who started this thread
Well since this thread won't seem to die let me just add one more thing.

Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: 'fakt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
1 : a thing done: as a obsolete : FEAT b : CRIME <accessory after the fact> c archaic : ACTION
3 : the quality of being actual : ACTUALITY <a question of fact hinges on evidence>
4 a : something that has actual existence <space exploration is now a fact> b : an actual occurrence <prove the fact of damage>
5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality


SENTIMENT mean a judgment one holds as true. OPINION implies a conclusion thought out yet open to dispute <each expert seemed to have a different opinion>. VIEW suggests a subjective opinion <very assertive in stating his views>. BELIEF implies often deliberate acceptance and intellectual assent <a firm belief in her party's platform>. CONVICTION applies to a firmly and seriously held belief <the conviction that animal life is as sacred as human>. PERSUASION suggests a belief grounded on assurance (as by evidence) of its truth <was of the persuasion that everything changes>. SENTIMENT suggests a settled opinion reflective of one's feelings <her feminist sentiments are well-known>.

Everyone IS entitled to their own opinion, view, etc... however, I was pretty irritated with the origonal posters insistance that the contents of his post was free from being "a matter of taste" or opinion etc. when the entire post was opinion... his and his alone. Some may share that opinion, but it's still an opinion. I understand the Ålmighty bristling at the post for that reason alone. But as he also said, he'll get over it. Like, "Dude, remember when you knocked that guy out for bumping into your 4 year old and knocking her down?" "Yeah... It's kinda funny now... but I was pretty pissed at the time"...

Wasting too much time on this post as it is...


why would anyone write so much about an album you dislike so much

wtf is the point of all of the analysis
the bottom line is... anyone who doesn't like GR but claims to like opeth doesn't actually like opeth
Stormwatch said:
What? Please explain what you mean. I don't get it.

They're massively popular, many many people (here where I live at least) where AC/DC shirts, sweatshirts, etc. A lot of bands sound like them.
First of all..
I got so provoked by some of the threads here, that I actually had to run to my mother and tell her to get of the phone ASAP, so I could connect to the internet and type this message! (Yeah, I have dialup..)

To the point..
WOW, i just can't believe some of the arguements you are using, by criticizing Ghost Reveries.
I am a huuuge fan of GR, it's not my favourite (BWP is), but maybe a strong #2.
Mygosh! Have can you even mention that HoW and Isolation Years is bad, its by far the best songs Mike have singed to, as his clear-vocal singing-performance is peaking to the best he have ever done!

I respect people saying that "its not my favourite", or "not the best they have done", etc.
But don't come and say that its bad. sigh.
Then it seem to me, that you aren't an Opeth-fan afterall.
I am no Opeth-guru, i started to listen to them just after BWP was released.
But at least I know that they are inspired by Prog-rock from the 70's and that they like to play music from that inspiration.
That is what they are, and I love them just the way they are.

I think Opeth its getting better and better for each release they give, and I like the fact that they kinda change their style often.
The Grand Conjuration is not my favourite either, but its one hell of a song.
I heard it live in Bergen, in Norway, August '05. And I have to say, this is their best livesong, beside Demon of the Fall.
I went insane at the floor, it was so cool man! :)

My Conclusion:
If you don't like a song or an album, keep it to yourself.
It's so sad to read stuff like this.
Am i wrong, or isn't it more exciting reading and sharing positive thoughts and opinions rather than complains? (and that at the official opeth forum, djiiiiz..)

I will say no more.

btw, if you read this Mike;
Fortsett slik, forguder dere! Og gjør en helvetes bra konsert i Kristiansand 4 juli! :D :D
tgrude said:
First of all..
I got so provoked by some of the threads here, that I actually had to run to my mother and tell her to get of the phone ASAP, so I could connect to the internet and type this message! (Yeah, I have dialup..)

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

That's the funniest thing i've ever read here, it sounds so.. pathetic!
No offense, just the way you said it. :p
I like GR. Ghost of Perdition, Baying of the Hounds, Grand Conjuration and Harlequin Forest are amazing tracks.

Can't get into the other tracks that much, but I won't push it so far as to say they suck. Haven't given them much of a chance yet.
I LOVE Ghost Reveries. It absolutely blew me away with how fresh it sounded the first time I heard it. They totally reinvented their approach, and the music feels totally different. It's like happy-metal! The sound is excellent, and the record is full of life. The keyboards add a lot to the music, as do the soft songs, which are very experimental for Opeth. Heck, the first half of Hours of Wealth makes me cry. It has weak point which prevents it from being as good of an album on the whole as some of their past accomplishments: The Grand Conjuration completely destroys the flow of the album, and the only part of the song that actually fits in with the rest of the album is acoustic guitar part in the verse. Then Isolation Years feels really tacked onto the end, between the transition into that from TGC and the lyrics which aren't part of the concept, but it's a really good song and it fits in with the first 6 tracks really well so I don't mind. Opeth still have a lot left in them after 8 albums, which is awesome!

I admit that I first heard it through downloading it (sorry), but I loved it so much that I ran out and bought it the day it was released, and was impressed by the artwork. It's still just as good as when it first came out, so the record has longevity!
i think GR is an exciting new direction for the band, and a hell of an album. all you naysayers be damned.

and before you call me a fanboy for saying it, my top 3 favorite bands aren't Opeth, or even metal.
yeah, what he said:

Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
I will not mention anything about taste or your devotion to the earlier stuff we've done, but for me it's clear some of you guys simply are not on the same wavelength as us in the band and me in particular writing the songs, and you need to move on. "Hours of wealth" is a song I was particulary proud of and it is actually not the fruit of many hours of rehearsals (that comment that we shouldn't rehearse was bordering to stupid, sorry!) but was actually done in the studio. The vocals done in one take and I have a certain connection with this song and if you don't get "it" I won't even bother trying to hype it. We're a phase of "your" musical evolution but maybe your journey ends here and you need to move into new territories?

I never reply to stuff like people don't like us, cause believe me, I hear more complaints and how "opeth suck" these days that I can't be bothered, but coming down on "HOW" is an attack that I feel the need to comment on. And "Isolation years", that's on of my personal fave opeth song ever and I was literally in tears singing it. I feel gutted that somebody can take the piss out of GR so completely that I actually feel the need to respond and I feel angry. Plain and simple, your opinion is noted but by no means will I contemplate what you said because you're there and I am here, simple as that...

Best regards

Opeth is the greatest band ever (so sez me)! I love the new album and anything new that the band does...esp. if it's going in a new direction!