-Vintersorg- said:No, that's the thing that's annoying: you ARE always like this. 90% of your posts have one of either n00b, pwn, 1337, über, etc etc etc and it gets really repetitive and really boring. Kinda lame, while people are having real discussion.
hibernal_dream said:GR doesn't fall down because of its songwriting, guitarwork or repitition. It falls down because it betrays longtime listeners by providing them with nothing new or original to digest. Opeth have become lazy and are simply running through the motions, and the heavy-soft-heavy style has become sort of a gimmick used by Mikael to escape having to write a song with any real content.
(this explains the flood of newbies to the board and departure of old members - they've simply lost interest).
Khayman666 said:I was going to write something long and well thought out to add to this thread, but it's early and I can't be arsed. I'll just say that apart from tBotH, BtM and R/HF, GR just doesn't grab my attention like the others do. And that Atonement just kills the album for me (they keyboard bits reminds me too much of Riders in the Storm, and I've always hated the Doors!)
hibernal_dream said:But like most metal bands they seem to be content with copying themselves. I'm not saying GR is shit - its a masterpiece if it was by any other band. i'm saying that they haven't progreesed, that GR doesn't have anything past albums (either by themselves or other bands) don't have. No I am not in a band but if I was, and if I had a fantastic discography like Opeth's, I wouldn't be happy putting out something like GR.
hibernal_dream said:Betrays was probably the wrong word - the way you've understood the statement was not what I meant. Replace it with "lost the interest of". True, the band owes us nothing - but to be honest I couldn't care less about the band. Its the music they create that i'm interested in. But like most metal bands they seem to be content with copying themselves. I'm not saying GR is shit - its a masterpiece if it was by any other band. i'm saying that they haven't progreesed, that GR doesn't have anything past albums (either by themselves or other bands) don't have. No I am not in a band but if I was, and if I had a fantastic discography like Opeth's, I wouldn't be happy putting out something like GR. Opeth have said themselves that they write songs in a rush in the studio. Sounds pretty lazy to me. Disagree? Then address my statements themselves instead of making silly comments like 'i pwnz y0u noob'.
Nigga owes me 12 bucks.Moonlapse said:Betrays? Opeth don't owe anything to us.
YEAH!!!!!! yeah....worldwide_suicide said:(i'm old, though....pwning all the n00bz!!1)