Confessions of an Opeth Fan...Ghost Reveries and Faceculture interview...

Hours of Wealth is a fucking fantastic song, so much so. I'm going to listen to it now!

Isolation Years is bad? Did the author of this thread ever listen to the brilliance of Damnation?

I love Reveries, Beneath the Mire, Grand Conjuration....balls, I love the entire album.

I "discovered" Opeth when Reveries came out. A friend passed me a song online and I loved it, I think it was Ghost of Peridition. Then I went out and bought all th albums avaliable in the shops and listened to them, I must say I don't listen to Ghost Reveries much these days, it's Either BWP or Still Life...Or deliverence and Damnation...I'm stuck to choose one at times.

Congrats to Mikael for managing to remain calm as he posted, for not letting his "fans" opinions affect how he will write his music. That fact alone makes it immposible for Opeth to ever "sell out". As long as you guys still make music, I will buy it with an open mind, wondering what on each member of the band was thinking when they wrote these songs and enjoying every moment.
I got into Opeth during the Damnation tour. They were the first death metal band I got into and they're still my favorite. They are my favorite band, for that matter. Still Life is my favorite album. Damnation is my second favorite. Ghost Reveries is my third favorite, although during some parts of it I think it may soon become my favorite.

I come to this forum to talk about Opeth because I am a fan of theirs. I like to talk about them and other bands that Opeth fans enjoy. I recently discovered Riverside and Katatonia due to some of the forum members and I am thankful because they are good.

However, there are some posts I see on this forum and I think to myself, "Man, I hope Mikael doesn't see this." I know he can take it but for God's sakes this is the Opeth forum, we are supposed to be Opeth fans. I'm not saying we ought to kiss Mikael's ass or worship him or anything but as a conscientious human being I would never make an entire thread about how Opeth's new album sucked donkey balls and they should try harder next time. It's just rude and stupid. We're all entitled to our opinion but didn't all of our mothers tell us, If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all?

If Mike reads this post, I'd like to apologize on behalf of all of us for being stupidly critical. We're all on this forum because we love your music. Please keep doing what you do and don't ever let anyone, much less us, get you down. Personally, I think HoW and Isolation Years are terrific, beautiful pieces of music and I think you rule. Also, I'll be seeing you March 11 in Eugene. Rock on.
Haha, I completely ignored this thread when it came out just because I started reading and was not in the mood for that kind of attitude, not just because I love Ghost Reveries, but because it seemed irrational. But I checked it out and saw what Mike reply?

So fucking owned.
Seems everyone wants to make a post on a thread Mikael has responded too. I really enjoyed GR when it came out, and I actually thought Hours of Wealth and Isolation Years were highlights, along with GOP. GR doesn't get repeated spins in my CD player lately though, and I'm not sure I can even tell you why. It isn't that it is a bad album, far from it. Ghost Reveries is an excellent album with great production and good tracks. The more I think about Ghost Reveries the more I think this album might grow in popularity as the years go by. Maybe this is the kind of album that you break out five years later and are totally blown away for reason you can't understand. Whatever, good album, just something missing in it for me at this point.
Lopez was an awesome drummer. I'm going to miss the tribal sort of style he used on some songs on Ghost Reveries along with the end of closure.

But eh.. Axenrot wasn't bad when I saw him live. I don't think hes a bad addition.
I don't get GOP really... or Baying Of The Hounds, probably my least favourite 3 songs on that album (+ Grand Conjuration) but I still enjoy them on the album and in context, but I certainly wouldn't put any of those 3 songs on a compilation.... whereas some of the other songs on the album may get a spot.

I think its a good album overall anyway, and still prefer it over MA,YH or Still Life any day.
I'm surprised by people being so respectful to a guy who flat out stated that he couldn't understand that other people had different opinions than him. This forum really has changed, I guess.
I will not mention anything about taste or your devotion to the earlier stuff we've done, but for me it's clear some of you guys simply are not on the same wavelength as us in the band and me in particular writing the songs, and you need to move on. "Hours of wealth" is a song I was particulary proud of and it is actually not the fruit of many hours of rehearsals (that comment that we shouldn't rehearse was bordering to stupid, sorry!) but was actually done in the studio. The vocals done in one take and I have a certain connection with this song and if you don't get "it" I won't even bother trying to hype it. We're a phase of "your" musical evolution but maybe your journey ends here and you need to move into new territories?

I never reply to stuff like people don't like us, cause believe me, I hear more complaints and how "opeth suck" these days that I can't be bothered, but coming down on "HOW" is an attack that I feel the need to comment on. And "Isolation years", that's on of my personal fave opeth song ever and I was literally in tears singing it. I feel gutted that somebody can take the piss out of GR so completely that I actually feel the need to respond and I feel angry. Plain and simple, your opinion is noted but by no means will I contemplate what you said because you're there and I am here, simple as that...

Best regards

I understand completely, the first album I got from Opeth was GR & I've been hooked on your music ever since. I love isolation days it sounds so sad & it fits the album perfectly. I look foward to your future work.
WTF555666 said:
I understand completely, the first album I got from Opeth was GR & I've been hooked on your music ever since. I love isolation days it sounds so sad & it fits the album perfectly. I look foward to your future work.

Really bad typo?:lol:

+1 to Mike's post. If you don't like GR, don't bitch about it, just keep listening to the other Opeth material you DO enjoy and get over it, because maybe it's not for you anymore.