Updated/Finished Ghost Reveries Tabs

Ghost of perdition
End of m60....3^5 .... instead of.. 2^3..
150% sure
Is it your final version after seeing the show???
Thanks a lot for the tabs, wankerness. They're always great.

I have to agree with Hindu on the 3h5 on measure 60 in Ghost of Perdition though. That bothered me for a while, and I could tell it was wrong just by listening to the studio song alone.
In m61 why not using: since you said hes going to the 9th fret than comne back
- - -
- - 0
0 0 0
0 0 3
5 8 2
- 10 -

And that chord sounds quite good in m64
Hindu said:
Ghost of perdition
End of m60....3^5 .... instead of.. 2^3..
150% sure
Is it your final version after seeing the show???

No it's not my final version, like I said I still haven't figured out those chords. Also, you're probably right on the 3h5 thing, I never went over that section again after the first time I figured it out cause I assumed I'd gotten it. It's often those easy things I screw up cause I just assume I wouldn't have messed them up the first time and then never look at them again ;_;
Hindu said:
In m61 why not using: since you said hes going to the 9th fret than comne back
- - -
- - 0
0 0 0
0 0 3
5 8 2
- 10 -

And that chord sounds quite good in m64

Nah it wasn't like that live, I KNOW these probably aren't anywhere close to right cause I don't even have my guitar on me right now but it looked like he was fingering something more like this:


It started somewhere around the 7/9th fret and moved down the neck with each chord. They both played it the same way at the end when that riff comes back distorted, too. Before I saw them live I'd changed that part at 63 a bit and actually have it in about the right position most of those times, I'll just have to polish it up a bit and change it in the outro too.
Thanks a lot wankerness!
Does anybody knows if theres any live video recording of that song somewhere??
Hindu said:
Thanks a lot wankerness!
Does anybody knows if theres any live video recording of that song somewhere??

Yeah that's what I've been wondering, I recently saw a really really great live video of 'When" from recently, if the rest of the concert is on there and they played GoP it would sure be nice...
wankerness said:
Yeah that's what I've been wondering, I recently saw a really really great live video of 'When" from recently, if the rest of the concert is on there and they played GoP it would sure be nice...

Oh yeah, I forgot I had a pretty nasty bootleg from Szene Wien, in which you can't see Peter at all during that first solo section. In the outro you can sort of see what Mikael's doing, it looks like he uses his thumb on the last of those chords and it does show that they're playing them about where I typed.
wankerness said:
Yeah that's what I've been wondering, I recently saw a really really great live video of 'When" from recently, if the rest of the concert is on there and they played GoP it would sure be nice...
I saw the "when" video and theres a site web written on the little box..www.rockweb.it, the site is in italien, since i speak french i thought it wouldnt be too hard for me to understand, but i barely understand a thing. If theres someone who does speak italien it would be great if you check if the whole concert is on that site!!
wankerness said:
Oh yeah, I forgot I had a pretty nasty bootleg from Szene Wien, in which you can't see Peter at all during that first solo section. In the outro you can sort of see what Mikael's doing, it looks like he uses his thumb on the last of those chords and it does show that they're playing them about where I typed.

Is there any way i can see that, would be great???
Wankerness PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE do beneath the mire, it's my favourite song and the one I most wanna play. Thanks so much for the other tabs though, if you ever get round to doing it, let me know! Thanks champ.
ditch said:
Wankerness PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE do beneath the mire, it's my favourite song and the one I most wanna play. Thanks so much for the other tabs though, if you ever get round to doing it, let me know! Thanks champ.

I'm working on it now, just quite slowly :P I have the first few riffs done on guitar at least.
Wankerness and thedimeman are the best "tabers" ever, period. They are amazing, thanks a lot wankerness, you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hindu said:
Thanks so fucking much...awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can easily see that on m96 of GoP its 0 3 2 0 sl9 3
Tanks you so f***ing muck much, this tab is gonna be perfect because of you!!!:rock:
I can easily see that my chords were wrong, i'll change them.... thanks, youre incredible!

Oh, I didn't notice that when I saw them live cause everyone was freaking out at that part. :P