Only w/ Dan singing

I miss John Bush.
Dan is ok.
I don't like Scotts new guitar.
Cag's hair freaks me out. LOL
Franks awesome as usual.
Charlie is a machine.
Wow coldshovel, that read almost like poetry or something! :lol:

And about the video, Dan seems a bit pitchy in this one. Not his best performance. Goes flat in places; and seems a bit out of breath. Late into the show, perhaps? Everything else is fine.
^Not to mention where the camera was he was getting all vocals. I like Dan's voice he brings a lot of intensity and power.

Rob really shreds man, I'm glad to have him back.
Not a fan of the new guy, sorry to say. He's got a great hardcore voice, but what I always liked about Anthrax was the "melody to go along with the madness." Now they sound like 150 other screamo bands out there. And contrary to what many people have said, he DOES sound a lot like Anselmo. He did sound pretty decent on Madhouse. I don't really like any of the new songs either, but I'll reserve judgement till the record comes out. I've stuck with this band through thick and thin up till now, but this may be where I jump ship (or they jumped the shark.)
Am I the only one who thinks that Dan's range is a bit limited for pretty much any Anthrax song? I'm a fan to my core, but I'm wondering how long they're going to be able to pull this one off. I've heard Vampyres and the other one, and they have their merits, but there's still, as has been previously stated, the vocal melody. Not going to judge, yet, but Anthrax is not Pantera.
I´m also of the opinion that it´s too early to make any judgement - I miss the melody on the Belladonna songs too but I think he is quite OK on the Bush material. Every singer has its own style and (as some others said before) a copy of Belladonna/Bush would haven´t done the band any good too. And last but not least: Bush also wasn´the greatest when it came to range and Pantera was a cheesy band.
I've never liked Pantera. :/ That seems to be a pretty controversial opinion around these parts, but the only song I like from them is Cemetery Gates. The other songs I've heard seem to be reeking of GRR I IZ A TUFF GUY GRR. And I don't like that kind of thing. It seems forced and silly to me. Kinda gimmicky.
John Bush is sitting in his backyard right now, eating a cheeseburger and smoking a cigar. I just heard him garble a few notes from "Only", with a mouth full of smoke and burger, and it still sounded 1000x better.

Dan can't touch the melody. Or hear it, really.
John Bush is sitting in his backyard right now, eating a cheeseburger and smoking a cigar. I just heard him garble a few notes from "Only", with a mouth full of smoke and burger, and it still sounded 1000x better.

Dan can't touch the melody. Or hear it, really.