Onslaught "Burn" Cover

Hey sorry for the late reply guize, got a shitty home situation on the go atm :cry:

Gareth, Tony, Jonsey, Greg and Me got our gang vocal groove on for the chorus' so thanks guys! \m/

The guitars are quad tracked with my EX-351 W the 81/85 combo, all 4 tracks were 6505 - 1960DM - single 57. First time ive ever quad tracked with just the 6505 :kickass:

Drums are metal foundry....the kick is a metal foundry kick along with a sample blended in with it and the snare is one I made up for my libary :) The toms are Slate, I thought they fit the song quite well so I kept them...besides that theres no actual Slate samples in this. Overheads etc are all MF, processing done in Cubase rather than in the MF mixer.

Appreciate you guys taking the time to listen! :headbang::worship:
Hey sorry for the late reply guize, got a shitty home situation on the go atm :cry:

Gareth, Tony, Jonsey, Greg and Me got our gang vocal groove on for the chorus' so thanks guys! m/

The guitars are quad tracked with my EX-351 W the 81/85 combo, all 4 tracks were 6505 - 1960DM - single 57. First time ive ever quad tracked with just the 6505 :kickass:

Drums are metal foundry....the kick is a metal foundry kick along with a sample blended in with it and the snare is one I made up for my libary :) The toms are Slate, I thought they fit the song quite well so I kept them...besides that theres no actual Slate samples in this. Overheads etc are all MF, processing done in Cubase rather than in the MF mixer.

Appreciate you guys taking the time to listen! :headbang::worship:

awesome, thanks for the info dude :kickass:
guitars sound HUGE and i really like the snare
Haha cheers guys! Im partial to a loud snare you see, like Triviums "Shogun" album, though even I agree thats a touch loud for my tastes!
Sounds fucking awesome, man!

Great job on the backing vocals as well (James, Gareth, Tony, Jonsey)! The chorus lines sounded weak as hell before they chipped in, let me tell you!

Thanks everyone who complimented the vocals, but thanks most to James for letting me yell all over such an awesome track!

Oh one question I have though, is who did that beginning vocal part in the intro with all the effects? Was that taken from the original or was it a recreation? Sounds awesome!
No worries Greg you did a KILLER job! Couldn't have asked for it any better :)

The intro vocal is me :D I did it a little breathier than the original, did it quite quickly but it turned out ok!

I used a AT3035 for all my parts if anybodys interested. Great mic!
Fuck yeah! God damn Greg is a talented dude! Aeons Collapse and his band Better Left Unsaid and now this? AWESOME!!!!!!!
Jay, one question, did you mastered this? I'd like to know what kind of aproach you took on this one!

Shit I didn't see this question originally sorry!

Yeah I mastered it myself....the approach I took was that of a simple one :loco:

I didn't use Ozone or anything, just a touch of EQ bit of compression then brought the level up.