Open Hand Tour Dates


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Here's the dates for that band Open Hand that I've recently discovered. I think some of you on here would like this band, I think they raawkk bigtime. If they're playing anywhere near you, you should try and catch them in a nice wee small venue before they become massive. Or maybe wait till I've seen them in Glasgow on 7th June and I'll report back with a quickie review and pics. That reminds me, I'm going to fire up those Saxon pics right nooo.

OPEN HAND has just confirmed the following headline shows in the UK and Netherlands in June around their appearance at Download. More dates are expected to be added soon. Tickets are on sale now:

Fri. 03-June-05
OPEN HAND + special guests. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets: £7.

Sat. 04-June-05
LONDON, UK // Underworld
SIX IN THE CITY. Presented by Rock Sound and Radio 1.
OPEN HAND, Capricorns, GU Medicine & Blood Roses. 7pm. Tickets: £7.

Sun. 05-June-05
STOKE-ON-TRENT, UK // Sugarmill
OPEN HAND + special guests. 7pm. Tickets: £7.

Mon. 06-June-05
MANCHESTER, UK // Roadhouse
OPEN HAND + special guests. 7pm. Tickets: £7.

Tue. 07-June-05
GLASGOW, UK // Cathouse
OPEN HAND + special guests. 8pm. Tickets: £7.

Wed. 08-June-05
OPEN HAND + special guests. PRE-DOWNLOAD party. 7:30pm. Tickets: £5.

Thu. 09-June-05
LEEDS, UK // Cockpit
OPEN HAND + special guests. 7:30pm. Tickets: £7.

Sat. 11-June-05

Sun. 12-June-05
UTRECHT, NL // De Helling
OPEN HAND + special guests. 7:30pm. Tickets: €10.

Mon. 13-June-05
AMSTERDAM, NL // Melkweg
OPEN HAND + special guests. 7:30pm. Tickets: €10
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I didn't think glass eyes could feel pain Valanx

Cool Line!

....Still weird and painfull to look at though!! Does this band you recomend have a web site btw ???
Hello Valanx, check out this and this gives you a wee bit of info on Open Hand.

It was just a friend of mine gave me their new CD You and Me a few months back and I thought it was amazing. They played in Glasgow a few months back supporting My Chemical Romance but the concert was sold-out so I missed seeing Open Hand. It was just by pure luck that I was looking on the Cathouse's website to see who was coming and I nearly passed out when I saw Open Hand are playing there on 7th June. I think they've only got 2 CDs out, I've not heard their first one but apparently the second one (You and Me) is far superior. It should be a good concert I reckon........any excuse to get into Glasgow for a night of hard rockin and hard drinking. A week tonight I'll be seeing them - EXCELLENT!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
A week tonight I'll be seeing them - EXCELLENT!!!!

Have a great time, when you come back post a review of some kind and any pics.. if you take any!

Thanks for the link btw!
valanx said:
Have a great time.

Thanks Valanx, I think it will be a good night, so really looking forward to it. The Cathouse is a pretty small venue, so I should be able to get some good pics. I don't think there will be that many folk there, which is even better, I love seeing a band in an ultra small venue when there's hardly anyone else around - the last time I was at the Cathouse there was only about 30 folk there to see the band!!!
Yeah, i love the 'small' gigs myself, you can really feel the energy and a great connection between the band and the fans. Sounds like it should be a good one!
Just heard that it's a band called G.U. Medicine as the support for Open Hand. I'd never heard of them before but went onto their site and listened to two mp3s. Wow they are a really great band. Really heavy and powerful, sounded a wee bit like Motorhead. For some reason I thought the support were going to be chronic but this band really rocks, they are described as "gutter rock", so for £7 I'll be getting to see 2 really amazing bands - can't ask for much better than that. I'll be taking plenty of pics and will get them on here as soon as poss.
Well tonight's the night I'm out to see OPEN HAND. There's going to be another 2 bands on, that GU Medicine and now Flood of Red - FoR seem a wee bit more hardcore, listened to a couple of their MP3s and they're alright, a wee bit too screamy but reasonable enough. Got new batteries in camera, got 2 bottles of wine chilling in the fridge so me and my pal will drink that before heading into the Solid Rock Cafe in Glasgow for a few before the gig and then round to the Cathouse to see Open Hand. Can't wait, I'm going to get totally sparkled!!!!
One word can sum-up last night's performance by Open Hand - SEN-F*CKIN-SATIONAL..........excuse my French, sorry.

By time we left Solid Rock, we only managed to catch 3 songs by the first band, Flood of Red, but that was no bad thing cos they were SHITE. Next up were GU Medicine and these guys were really good. Played about 6 songs which were all good, very loud and heavy, so would definitely go see them again.

Had a feeling it wasn't going to be very packed and only about 60 folk had turned out to see Open Hand, and that's exactly the way I like it, seeing a brill band in a small venue, you can't beat it. They were totally incredible, couldn't believe it when they kicked off with Hard Night then next blasted out Pure Concentrated Evil - my 2 favourite Open Hand songs. That's only the second time that's happened when a band came on and played my 2 fav songs first (the first being Budgie opening with Guts and then Panzer Division Destroyed). By the time they'd played Pure Concentrated Evil the place was going mental. They were so loud and powerful - the sound very good for a change cos sometimes the Cathouse is a bit crappy - but every song sounded clear and brill. Waiting for Katy, Jaded and Tough Girl was totally tremendous and Take No Action was the one they finished with and it was just fantastic. They played all of You and Me and maybe about 3 other songs that I didn't know. There wasn't too much interaction from the band - think all they said was Hello Glasgow we're Open Hand from Los Angeles - and that was about it. Basically they just concentrated on the music which was fine by me.

I could sum-up it up beautifully for youse by what the guy behind shouted out at the top of his voice and nearly took my bloody ears off:-

"You guys are f*ckin awesome
You're not f*ckin metal
but youse are pure f*ckin awesome"

To which the singer replied "I didn't really understand what you said there and I don't think anyone in the crowd did either" - and then about 4 other folk shouted the same back at him "You guys are f*ckin awesome, you're not f*ckin metal, but youse are pure f*ckin awesome" Haha I thought that brill.

After they'd played for about one hour 20 mins they went off but was a bit disappointed cos lights came on and the band didn't come back out. We were still at the front of the stage just finishing our drinks when the bass player come out to pick up something and I shouted Get back out here and do Hard Night again. Didn't actually think I'd said it that loud but he came right over and said they want to play more but it's like a midnight curfew or something. Just told him that I thought they were totally awesome and that the first 2 songs they'd played were my favourites. I asked when they're coming back to Glasgow and he said it should be September. So I'll be there in September to see them again, right down the front rockin hard and fast.!!! Chatted a wee bit more about Download and Rush and Budgie but he didn't know who they were, then he shook my hand and kissed it . A very nice boy indeed, a bit sweaty and sticky, but gorgeous big brown eyes.

Had I know just how totally totally totally awesome they were going to be, I would have made plans to go down to Nottingham the following day cos they were playing there. They were sooooooooo unbelievably tremendous, can't really get across to you all just how mindblowing they were - catch them next time cos these guys are just going to go meteoric.
valanx said:
Sounds like you had a pure fuckin awesome time!

LOL that just about sums it up nicely Valanx but with me being a Princess, you know I can't really use language like that. I took about 30 pics there but I tell you that bloody cam is ready for the bin. Put new batteries in before I left but almost every pic came out really really dark, either that or had these lines like bars running across the pic which is really weird cos there was nothing in front of me apart from OPEN HAND. I swear it, I was nearly in tears following morning when I realised how crappy they were.

I got one ok pic of GU Medicine and maybe about 7 of OPENHAND that are just ok. I'll be putting them on beside the Saxon and Budgie photos later on, so you can have a swatch at them if you like. Definitely getting a new camera before The Sabbath in 3 weeks time.
Yeah before the Sab, get a new cam!!!
It would be cool to see the pics you said are ok though!

And from now on i shall take note, no fucking swearing infront of royalty!!
shit sorry about i think i may of had to many fucking beers tonight yar!

*bows* etc.
valanx said:
And from now on i shall take note, no fucking swearing infront of royalty!!
shit sorry about i think i may of had to many fucking beers tonight yar!

*bows* etc.

LOL I don't mind anyone else swearing Valanx, I try not to cos it's not very ladylike but sometimes I've got to when describing an awesome concert, you've just got to throw in a few fooks here and there to get the message across if you know what I mean!!!!!

I've uploaded those OPEN HAND pics, so you can see them at They're not that good cos it was pretty dark and gloomy in the Cathouse but you can see the singer fairly ok. Also there's tons more Budgie ones on there as well.
Yep, nothing wrong with a few fooks now and again :)

Pretty decent pics btw! Thanks for sharing those with us!!
valanx said:
Yep, nothing wrong with a few fooks now and again :)

Hahaha yeah I'm quite fond of a few fooks myself. Fooks are almost as good as rock. Or better still, have a good fook while you're listening to some rock - yeah!!!!!! Best thing ever!!! Valanx you should start a new thread, what's your fav song to fook too. I know what mine is!!!

No problems with the pics, there will be more photos soon, The Sabbath, Blackfoot and Hells Bells are the next 3 bands I'm seeing, so you'll be able to see these as well.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Valanx you should start a new thread, what's your fav song to fook too. .

Thats a damn good idea my royal friend!!!