Damn you Americans have some weird shit for sale!
Nyquil tastes like shit, but damn does it kick ass. Not quite as much as it used to before they took out the Pseudoephedrine for that Phenylphenol for the cough suppressant but fuck yeah.
Robo tripping is great as well when your sick.
Nyquil tastes like Jagermesiter. Imagine mixing those two things. Oh God
I'm br00tally ill today and let me tell you, Nyquil turns my stomach just a bit.
Most triumphant indeed!
you want the original flavour Nyquil mixed with Absynth, a green goblin as its known to a certain Jack Gibson.
That's downright scary. I wouldn't recommend juggling chainsaws after drinking that.
Does it have to be "name brand" Nyquil? Because I can get the carbon-copy stuff from the local drugstore fairly cheaply.
"Life" brand at Shoppers ftw!
you want the original flavour Nyquil mixed with Absynth, a green goblin as its known to a certain Jack Gibson.
Nyquil tastes like shit, but damn does it kick ass. Not quite as much as it used to before they took out the Pseudoephedrine for that Phenylphenol for the cough suppressant but fuck yeah.
Robo tripping is great as well when your sick.
nyquil makes me have horrid fucking nightmares,i just cant do it.
Before bed always this:
mixed with milk! Tastes great and you´ll sleep like a baby ;-)