Opeth Autographs on eBay, if anyone's interested

Yeah I agree with Fireangel..i mean why get something signed if your going to sell it? Unless..you really need the money..but still..it's nice to keep something like that.
This kind of crap is exactly why the REAL fans have to wait outside the tour bus in the freezing cold for 2 hours after the show is over to obtain a couple of autographs from their favorite band. I know bands personally who get seriously pissed off when they see their autographed shit on Ebay....not cool at all.

And if you feel the need to do this....don't post an advertisement for it on here...the band reads this for crying out loud!
MindInsane said:
This kind of crap is exactly why the REAL fans have to wait outside the tour bus in the freezing cold for 2 hours after the show is over to obtain a couple of autographs from their favorite band. I know bands personally who get seriously pissed off when they see their autographed shit on Ebay....not cool at all.

And if you feel the need to do this....don't post an advertisement for it on here...the band reads this for crying out loud!

I'm not sure if they read it all but I'm happy someone else feels the same on this shit.
DreamingofUr said:
stfu. I'm sure the band wouldn't appreciate it one bit and you know I'm right for bringing it up you stupid fuck. I can't believe someone would actually stick up for something to damn lame.

not everyone can get to a concert you know, not everyone can go to a signing, doesn't make them less of a fan. What if they'd like something signed by their fav band? Ok, so making a profit out of someone's innability to obtain an autograph themselves isn't the most "honest" thing to do, but the seller DID pay for a ticket, they DID wait for the band to come out, etc, so if they want to sell it, fine.

Its up to the buyer.

i REALLY don't think Opeth cares much about something tehy took 2 seconds to scribble on being sold.

but... I don't really care, good day to you :)
If you really don't care then don't waste time writing things back to me. I'm pretty sure Opeth wouldn't be too pleased with it based on their open opposition to mp3s. So anything being made off of them for any reason wouldn't be too cool. Not everyone can make it to a concert? He addressed the hardcore*** not the average fan of Opeth I recall. And I'm sure, once again, any hardcore Opeth fan would have their autograph by now on more then one thing. There is one thing worst then an elitist... thats an elitist groupie and thats not directed towards anyone. The point isnt that he paid for this and that but that $$$ is being made off fan loyalty and I might even say stupidity. No character at all but then again who gives a fuck about that anymore??
that's why i said it was mostly up to the buyer.

I just hate it when people get too worked up over things.

i guess you're pationate? that's cute.

ok, i'm done.
Well I just hate it when people say they dont care then make comments and keep replying. You say you hate and that is not a form of passion****?? Last time I checked it was. Its cute when people don't even read what they typed before posting. Looks like you did care enough to reply to me twice after all eh? You guessed right, I am passionate about certain things from time to time.
For all you know this guy is desperate for money. Maybe (s)he is a single parent and has to sell Opeth autographs to get some food for his/her kids. You dont know this person, stop judging!