Opeth feat. Edgar Allan Poe!

Poe's works would fit Opeth's music, but if I wrote lyrics in a band, I wouldn't want to use someone else's works. However, it would be cool if they made an entire album, with each song focusing on one of Poe's writings.
Benighted Joe said:
"Anna! When I'm with you I can't hardly hold my fire --"

Seriously though dude, what the *FGGNNNH* do you mean "Write to Anna"?
How am I supposed to get Mikes wife's email???


Ok,... DUDE. Next time you talk to me, you need to know that I'm a chick, alright?

1- Anna is the webmaster of Opeth.com.
2- She also runs THIS forum.


LMFAO @ Blimey. Good one. Hahahahaha!!!
-Vintersorg- said:
There you go.. Now none of us have to google it. I haven't heard it. What style is it? I'd imagine it being nice..

It's pretty cool. Reminds me of Dark Side of the Moon (which Alan Parsons produced, so no coincidence there). It's got some prog elements. Great production and worth a listen.

I assume Nevermore's name is a Poe reference, right?

<I'm a Poe fan if you hadn't guessed
soundave said:
It's pretty cool. Reminds me of Dark Side of the Moon (which Alan Parsons produced, so no coincidence there). It's got some prog elements. Great production and worth a listen.

I assume Nevermore's name is a Poe reference, right?

<I'm a Poe fan if you hadn't guessed

I assume Nevermore got their name from The Raven by Poe yeah.
How common is it to be named Nevermore? :)

Yeah We know you're a fan since you got his picture as your avatar! :)

Carpathian Forest - The Eclipse / The Raven...

Once upon a midnight dreary. while I pondered, weak and weary
over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-....
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one, gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
'Tis some visitor' I muttered, tapping at my chamber door....
Only this and nothing more....

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
and each seperate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow... Vainly I had sought to borrow
from my books surcease of sorrow.... Sorrow for the lost Lenore-...
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore-...
Nameless here for evermore...


I have only heard it a couple times, but it sounded alright from memory,
Opeth would be interesting anyway!
nazgulofmordor said:
'Murders in the Rue Morgue' of Iron Maiden is based on a short detective story by Poe. But, it does not measure upto Poe's true gothic sense.

Yeah, the weird thing is that it is told by someone who is watching the events of the story unfold but is not actually part of the Poe story. Mostly, it has nothing to do wit the story.