Yep, that's it. But this guy just listens to one song by Bloodbath and a few by "Oomph!" (good band, but no metal

) because he just likes the heaviness; in general he prefers party music and sometimes even listens to HipHop, such an idiot, but what else could I do when I don't find anyone else to take there :/
And yes, the sound sucked. The bass was far too loud, I mean, Katatonia is no Deathmetal, so you don't need such a thing; the consequence was that some songs just did not convince me at all and you could hardly hear the singing. For the openers, it was okay because they were far heavier, but a melodic band like Katatonia and such a sound... *pukes*
But the fans were great, everyone was singing (the stanzas in "Sweet Nurse" ruled so much!) and you just felt like a part of the whole. It was really a comfortable feeling. So this was better about Katatonia while Opeth were much better on the musical/sound side.
BTW, these two were my first concerts up to now. It's time for the third one