Opeth in High School

to be fair, opeth sucks at playing their own songs live, so what standard can we really hold anyone to

Well it wasnt too bad, i thought the drummer who was doing the drapery falls was probably the best part of the band. the guitarists sucked

when watching novice bands notice aLWAYS the drummer will sound the best and singer the worst
its just how it is
lol you people are ridiculous, this is pretty good for a shitty high school band, i don't know what virtuoso musicians you all had at your high school variety shows.

I remember that we had very, very talented musician (not including myself, because I believe I'm average). youtube.com/discursion there are a show that we've done if you ever want to compare. But I believe think it's way more gooderz. This (video above) is NOT even pretty good for a shitty high school band. It's half random, quarter sloppy, quarter approximatively what it had to be. Singer fails. Drummer fails. Lead guitarist is fine. Second guitarist sloppy. They even cut a part of the video because it failed too much. Anyway. Nice try, and keep loving Opeth and practicing!
They're in fucking high school, give the kids a break. I bet none of you could play what they're playing when you were that young.

EDIT: When did the guy in front say something about a pizza party in the 2nd video? I can't watch the whole thing through.
What the fuck was up with the lead singer's clean vocals on DOTF?

Here's another high school vid I found, not bad IMO:

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Damn, son, you must be a musical badass then.

What instrument do you play, and if it's guitar are you lead, or do you share the lead duties with the other guitarist? When is your album coming out?
to be fair, opeth sucks at playing their own songs live, so what standard can we really hold anyone to


someone obviously hasn't seen opeth live.

Arasmas you kind of crossed the line now, you've been constantly stating opeth as a lesser band in a far more subtle way so far, but this time you really exposed yourself

and rediciously so, I reckon
Hahah, Drapery video was great fun. PULL ME DOWN AGAIN! And the one fat guy upfront watching the thing gets attacked by the consumed-by-nervosity singer. Also like it when the 5/8 is totally shipwrecked and solved by a nice jumpcut.