Opeth in High School

They're in fucking high school, give the kids a break. I bet none of you could play what they're playing when you were that young.

< 8 years bass playing
< 12 years piano

Only 20 BTW :saint:

They knew it sounded like shit, yet they still decided to play in front of people. They definitely have bigger balls than I do that's for sure.
Damn, son, you must be a musical badass then.

What instrument do you play, and if it's guitar are you lead, or do you share the lead duties with the other guitarist? When is your album coming out?

What the hell are you talking about? All I was saying is that I think a lot of people had to be much better than what we've seen on these videos at this age. And yeah, I do believe I was better than this at their age, without being a musical badass (like if being better than them was something extraordinary, what a douche you are). Playing guitar and working on album. Those questions are complete nonsense, fuck you.

The last vid was pretty good. Where was that from?

That at my school last year (when I was in high school...) it's call the "Polyvalente Sainte-Thérèse", it's near Montreal in Quebec (Canada for noobs).

someone obviously hasn't seen opeth live.

Arasmas you kind of crossed the line now, you've been constantly stating opeth as a lesser band in a far more subtle way so far, but this time you really exposed yourself

and rediciously so, I reckon

actually i've seen them twice dickhole, they're not a good live band period. obviously everyone here is gonna think they're a great because they would lick opeth's balls if given the chance, but fact is compared to lots and lots of other shows i've seen, they sucked. sure, they reproduced their songs fairly accurately, but they have no energy, they don't move around at all, they play short sets, they seem like they just don't give much of a shit, and mikael's on-stage jokes and stories are horrendous and he just uses them to artificially extend the short sets.

opeth is a great studio band, period
actually i've seen them twice dickhole, they're not a good live band period. obviously everyone here is gonna think they're a great because they would lick opeth's balls if given the chance, but fact is compared to lots and lots of other shows i've seen, they sucked. sure, they reproduced their songs fairly accurately, but they have no energy, they don't move around at all, they play short sets, they seem like they just don't give much of a shit, and mikael's on-stage jokes and stories are horrendous and he just uses them to artificially extend the short sets.

opeth is a great studio band, period

So if they would move more and add a couple of then you would like them as a live group?
have you ever been to a good show where the band has really great energy and stage presence, as opposed to just standing there and cranking out the songs in a workmanlike fashion

oh no i guess you haven't because you are from sweden and you're 16
have you ever been to a good show where the band has really great energy and stage presence, as opposed to just standing there and cranking out the songs in a workmanlike fashion

oh no i guess you haven't because you are from sweden and you're 16

I'm 33, what's your problem?
actually i've seen them twice dickhole, they're not a good live band period. obviously everyone here is gonna think they're a great because they would lick opeth's balls if given the chance, but fact is compared to lots and lots of other shows i've seen, they sucked. sure, they reproduced their songs fairly accurately, but they have no energy, they don't move around at all, they play short sets, they seem like they just don't give much of a shit, and mikael's on-stage jokes and stories are horrendous and he just uses them to artificially extend the short sets.

opeth is a great studio band, period

This is priceless.
arasmas goal is obviously to make enemies around here, not friends. I can respect you for being critical against fanboyism, I am as well, to an extent. You exaggerate however and at the moment you are just being provocative, not really constructive (although that is hard I guess, this being the offical band forum and all). I've been to many live shows, in some of them, the band has expressed a lot more energy than opeth do at their shows but if all bands were as such, then I'm pretty sure you would complain on that.

The opeth gig in stockholm was fantastic and there was a really good group feeling there and it felt as if I was watching some close friends playing. The show wasn't about death, destruction and chaos but it was nonetheless great. I've been far more "evil" and wilder shows, the opeth gig wasnt about this but nonetheless fantastic.

I think it's about time that you consider why you are here tbh, noone really appreciates this kind of rebel attitude that you have, and it long run, it wont change anything
actually i've seen them twice dickhole, they're not a good live band period. obviously everyone here is gonna think they're a great because they would lick opeth's balls if given the chance, but fact is compared to lots and lots of other shows i've seen, they sucked. sure, they reproduced their songs fairly accurately, but they have no energy, they don't move around at all, they play short sets, they seem like they just don't give much of a shit, and mikael's on-stage jokes and stories are horrendous and he just uses them to artificially extend the short sets.

opeth is a great studio band, period

what if they had energy and moved aaround and played shit music, you would like them?
You people are weird sometimes !!!!
^ See, the whole thing is, you say stuff like "it´s like how I say it is, PERIOD." One can simply refute any of the points you´ve made by saying "no, it´s not", because nothing is just "period". It´s your opinion when you say that a good live band has to move around and play longer sets than Opeth (which would be 2,5 hours plus on average), but it´s not "period". When you don´t like them live, don´t go the shows then.
have you ever been to a good show where the band has really great energy and stage presence, as opposed to just standing there and cranking out the songs in a workmanlike fashion

oh no i guess you haven't because you are from sweden and you're 16

That's all so ridiculous. I love Opeth live, they don't move a lot and it's something I like. Sometime, bands that have too much energy looks "artificial" and look like idiots. Sometime. I wouldn't see Opeth with that energy, and if the criterias about a "good live band" is "moving a lot on stage", then Opeth sucks live. Otherwise, go fuck yourself, Opeth is great and the way they play their songs live represent them just as well! And the way you interprete Mikael's joke is pretty pessimist, and useless. You could as well see it as a good part of the show, instead of a waste of time.

And why the heck are you talking about age and time. Sophism!
well i must say, i'm not exactly shocked to find every hair on Mikael Akerfeldt's scrotum staunchly defended on the official Opeth forum
well i must say, i'm not exactly shocked to find every hair on Mikael Akerfeldt's scrotum staunchly defended on the official Opeth forum

Sophism again. Let's say no one cares about Mikael himself, and everyone is perfectly objective about it. Let's say were just talking about whether Opeth is a good live band or not, simply, without being influenced by Mikael. Now, what do you say? Pardon me, but if you believe everyone is defending Opeth because it's their favorite band, you are so wrong. Really. You do think it's not a "good" live band because they don't have a certain energy that you are looking for when going to a show. I, in contrast, prefer more relax shows, like Opeth, because I'm not the kind of guy who go thrash or anything like that, and I don't care if the band is moving or not, or over-excited (something that don't like at all). I just like what they play, and they do it well live. That's the ambiance I'm looking for when I'm going to an Opeth show, so, I guess I could consider them as a good live band... in my opinion.