Opeth in Israel: Show cancelled

Actually, it was the surrounding Arab countries that attacked Israel first in 1948. .

You were in Europe for ages and then you go the middle east to "get back your holy land", what do you expect? here u get an example :
ur move to another house and u buy the one you wereborn in, then, you move to another one, you grow up, u are an old man, and then u go back to the place where u were born and u say I wanna get it back, it's my home !!! is that logic? come on !!
You were in Europe for ages and then you go the middle east to "get back your holy land", what do you expect? here u get an example :
ur move to another house and u buy the one you wereborn in, then, you move to another one, you grow up, u are an old man, and then u go back to the place where u were born and u say I wanna get it back, it's my home !!! is that logic? come on !!

Easy, mate, easy! I'm not jewish, nor do I live in Israel! In fact I'm married to a muslim woman. I'm not defending Israel's deeds (quite on the contrary) but I was just setting straight the comment that said "Israel started the killing", which just isn't true. Sure, Israel might have started to conflict by its very existence, but I don't blame that on the jewish people, but on the short-sightedness of the U.N. at that time.

If I had it my way (which of course is never gonna happen) there would be no Israel, solely for the fact you don't go creating a country on the basis of beliefs, as opposed to ethnicity, and surely not on the claims of some 3000 y.o. texts. I know the collective feeling of guilt of the european countries regarding the holocaust made things easy, but, once the treat of the Third Reich removed, I think Jews would have been safer blending into the communities of Western countries (after all, Europe and the U.S. aren't 100% Christian either, so they could have fit right in) instead of forcefully implanting them on the territories of those people that probably hate them just a tiny bit less than Hitler did. Go figure....

Any way, let me make it clear again that I have nothing against Jews (actually I have nothing for them, I care no more or less about them than about other people) but I just think the state of Israel (a sovereign entity, not a religious group), in it's form and location of today, was a bad idea.
^ Yeah. It was the British who made a mistake and gave Palestine to jews in the aftermath of WWI. And it was the arabs who've attacked Israel in 1967 and 1973. Still Israel has brutalized the Palestinian people already too much. Israel has no legimate reasons to exist if Palestine isn't given to the Palestinians. Actually, throughout history the Israelians have taken the "holy land" from Palestinians, it wasn't the first time after WWII.
Actually, throughout history the Israelians have taken the "holy land" from Palestinians, it wasn't the first time after WWII.

Aahh, you're skating on thin ice here. The question wether Judaism evolved within the indigenous population of the Levant in the 2nd or 1st millennium BC or wether the biblical account of the exodus from Egypt is historical fact, is still a matter of debate among Archaeologists and Historians. Besides, in biblical times, one would not have distinguished between Palestinians and Jews. They were culturally indistinguishable, differentiated only by a tribal/clan system. Islam did not exist back then.
Well, here's something for us... Since Opeth canceled the show, Nevermore will replace them and we can replace our tickets with Nevermore tickets. As much as I'd love to see Opeth, Nevermore is one hell of a compensation! All that's left for us now is to wait (and hope that one won't get canned as well)!
I want to say something to all of the brothers here
Israel is the only country in the world for Jewish people
we were in Europe and what happened? yes, the Holocaust!
they wanted to vanish the Jewish people!
we survived and we formed our county the only place in the world where jewish can live and to be acceptable!!
their are millions of new-Nazis in the world, and we safe only here!
it is our right, to defend our land, our country, the only place for us!!
even if that means killing terror or their families (which you all so protect).
we have no problem to accept arabs people and to live with them in peace!
but they dont want to, they are like the Nazis they want to vanish us and to live in OUR land!
so you all cannot tell us to go somewhere else because we don't have somewhere else,
you all cannot tell us not to protect ourselves because we'll vanish...
DON'T JUDGE US UNTIL YOU WERE INSTEAD OF US!! try to live one day just one day in fear
every hour there is an alarm! 15 seconds until a missile is destroying your home and take life of your kids

Holocaust was a big tragedy indeed, but it does not give you right to do the same to those poor children in Gaza.

Those lands belonged to the people ( in this case Arabs ) living there before US and UK bought those lands ( ?? ) and sold it to you. Now I will not get into if you should live there or not lets face the facts, you have a land and a country there living so pretty much you have right to live there no matter what happened in the past. I am not against that.

A state should also defend itself, it should have the right to do it naturally, but a full-scale operation for some childish rockets thrown ( sorry if any civillians died ) is overkill in my opinion.

And about kids who will end up like their fathers, can you blame them? Do they have a choice? Or did they? From the day they were born, they are living in a zone of alienation, much alike the one in Ukraine, they are treated as animals in a cage, this is just not fair. And after seeing their fathers, sisters, brothers and mothers and friends die, you really cannot blame them for wanting revenge.

Nevertheless, I do not support Hamas. I believe that if they gave into democractic approach ( which wouldn't really be beneficial imho for the facts I listed above ) instead of force, they would make the life conditions better for the people living there.
The U.S. army has killed more people in the middle east in the last three decades than Israel has in its entire history. If a country's moral standing in "stupid wars" had anything to do with why or why not Opeth could tour there, they'd stay in Sweden. God this forum sucks.

FUNNY everyone ignored this. Only sensible comment there is! Think just how many muslim civillians were killed in response to 9/11? If the US or Europe would now endure such an attack I wonder how peacefully they'd sit by and not attack their enemy risking casualties.

Any way, let me make it clear again that I have nothing against Jews (actually I have nothing for them, I care no more or less about them than about other people) but I just think the state of Israel (a sovereign entity, not a religious group), in it's form and location of today, was a bad idea.

As an Israeli citizen I agree with you. But not entirely.
The survivors of the holocaust had no option of going back home, first of all cause they were banished from it torn away from their family and slaughtered (systematically, like never before). It's kind of impossible to FEEL like at home after the people surrounding you acted out of their way to kill you and humiliate you, tear you apart of any human remains.
But besides the FEEL of it, practically most people HAD NO HOMES IN EUROPE ANY MORE. No foreign country would accept 6 million immigrants, and nazi Europe wasn't at all clean of racism the SECOND the war ended.

A country for the Jews WAS necessary back then. I don't think it should have been Israel how ever. Bach in the 19th century when the Zionist movement gained force together with other nationalist groups (german, french etc.) all around Europe, a plan was offered for the Jews to start a country in Uganda, which was pretty much un-inhabited. I believe we would have been better of there, and our current enemies would have been better off.

BUT for stupid, nationalist and religious ideas that plan wasn't accepted. 50 years later, in 1948, "thanks" to the holocaust, Israel was announced a country - then wars started and crap got ugly.

BUT THIS IS THE FUCKING SITUATION! FUCK! NOBODY says shit about anyone else in this fucking world, and far more horrible things are happening. Nobody. Hell, I feel sick thinking about the shit that went off a few months ago in Gaza, but at least I'm a bit realistic about it. This world kills people, and Israel is not leading the way. You can keep giving us shit about living here, and I'll agree ideologically, but we're already here and it's to fucking late.


* direct deaths: at least 4,972 - 7,764
* indirect deaths in initial invasion: 3,200 - 20,000
* direct & indirect deaths: 8,172 - 27,764

* direct deaths: at least 7,760 - 10,557
* indirect deaths: 3,200 - 20,000
* direct & indirect deaths: 10,960 - 30,557
* indirect deaths after initial invasion: n/a

(Civilian ONLY casualties in Afghanistan.)^ Nobody says fucking anything about this.
Maybe they cancelled because they heard that Israel calls all Scandinavians anti-semites, since too many here have blonde hair or blue eyes or something.:Smug: But I agree with Corwin, this discussion really doesn't belong here. So cut it out please.
so because more civilians have died in afghanistan we should think the war in gaza is ok?

Hell no, I'm not saying that.

I'm saying that just as no one blames the US army and citizens(-especially) for any Opeth show canceled in the US,
there's no fucking reasons to do it to the Israeli guys on the forum.

Try to imagine that:
"----Chicago gig cancalled----"
"Well maybe if you didn't invade Iraq and slaughter innocent civilians...God. You deserve it"

Does that seem right?

Well, then I'm saying back the fuck off, no country is fucking innocent, and it has nothing to do with music. If you start accusing Israeli metalheads for the cancel, because of the war that started in gaza, than accuse the US for invading Arab countries, and while you're doing that why don't you say German should be banned from metal because of what happened in WWII. There's no fucking end to it.
Hell no, I'm not saying that.

I'm saying that just as no one blames the US army and citizens(-especially) for any Opeth show canceled in the US,
there's no fucking reasons to do it to the Israeli guys on the forum.

Try to imagine that:
"----Chicago gig cancalled----"
"Well maybe if you didn't invade Iraq and slaughter innocent civilians...God. You deserve it"

Does that seem right?

Well, then I'm saying back the fuck off, no country is fucking innocent, and it has nothing to do with music. If you start accusing Israeli metalheads for the cancel, because of the war that started in gaza, than accuse the US for invading Arab countries, and while you're doing that why don't you say German should be banned from metal because of what happened in WWII. There's no fucking end to it.

I am no racist but my friend, you're just like all other Israelis. You're inventing things that you claim to have been said and then you defend your country against those sayings. No one in this thread has ever said you "deserve" no Opeth gig because you killed innocents in Gaza. I and others merely pointed to the fact that the slaughter that you started is causing Opeth to be unable to get their goods into your country, that's all.

US has invaded Iraq in 2003 and has been criticised even since. It's a bigger tragedy than Gaza, but it's nothing new, and hopefully they're gonna get out of there soon. It's a tragedy, but as you said the Holocaust was also a tragedy, and time has passed.
I am no racist but my friend, you're just like all other Israelis. You're inventing things that you claim to have been said and then you defend your country against those sayings. No one in this thread has ever said you "deserve" no Opeth gig because you killed innocents in Gaza. I and others merely pointed to the fact that the slaughter that you started is causing Opeth to be unable to get their goods into your country, that's all.

Cut it out with "you". I don't run my country you know, the government does.

Believe me people feel guilty, but hell it's not my fucking choice. I didn't invent anything, I guess as an Israeli I take things personally

Are you a moron? Who said Opeth's show cancellation had anything to do with Israel's moral standing? Nobody did.

i guess opeth just called a jihad on you all
Okay that's just plain stupid
youre country is fucking shit up, opeth cant get their gear in = no fucking show. eod
That's fucking bitchy. Again with the fucking blaming. I feel like shit coming back to this forum after 4 months and falling into this crap. As if every israeli citizen decided to go to war. Fuck. Can't this forum be about other things than what you're told on the news? I acutally feel like shit writing all this.

+THE GEAR NOT COMING IN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FUCKING WAR/STRIKE/GENOCIDE/KILLING FOR FUN YEY MISSION. Israeli costumes have always been fucking annoying and slow like shit, it has nothing to do with Gaza. It's just the stupid fucking government policies, and they were always like that.