Opeth in Israel: Show cancelled


New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2009
Why the hell :(

it was posted on their site.. Gear problems ? i'll give you mine :(

hate this country. stupid wars
I know.. stupid wars
I hate this fuckin stupid army anyway..

I guess i'll go see them live in europe..

Did I say already I hate this country ? ah..yes I do.
Second time in one year.. nice...
The next time that they will be here ill be in the fucking army.. that really sucks..
Fucking Meches.
Why, guys, why? You're seriously busting our balls here. Opeth has a very wide fanbase in Israel, and to prove that- just look at the rate of the ticket sales. The show had to be moved to a location that is able to contain more than 1000 people! I'm not buying the 'logistics' excuse. Please guys, take note that this is the second time in a row that you're cancelling on us (not that I blame you for the first one). We are eager to see Opeth in Israel once more, so please, please be true to your word and come here soon.

And for the people claiming Israel doesn't deserve a show for 'killing people'- why the fuck is it our fault that there's a civil war going on? Are the fans to blame? All we want is to see our favorite band perform here. And, btw, Israel isn't just 'killing people'. In case you haven't heard, people on our side have been bombarded with missiles for 8 fucking years. But you don't hear the news report that, do you?
I'm sorry for you guys :/ I know It sucks if you are huge fan ob a band and you can never see them live... :erk:

But i think they have cancelled the gig because of that stupid war. Its not the fault of the majority of poeple that live there. Its the fault of a few stubborn "leaders" and fundamentalists. I cant imagine why people kill each other because of shit like racism and religion.
You can't blame the band or the common people of Israel for any of this. It is probably the Israli government/customs. You can't logically say that all Israli people are out killing - and I especially doubt that of the Opeth fans there. I live in America, so I know all about how governments do shit that the people do not approve. It's just a shitty situation. Let's all focus on having more control over our governments and return them to serving the people instead of us serving them.

Metal Brothers and Sisters Unite!
In case you haven't heard, people on our side have been bombarded with missiles for 8 fucking years. But you don't hear the news report that, do you?

Yes we do. Tho there are rarely casualties mentioned. I would bet that 8 years of rockets and even suicide attacks have caused less casualties than 2 weeks of war in Gaza.

And since I'm aware that this has nothing to do with Opeth per se, that's all I'm saying on the subject.

Please leave politics out of this discussion, every person that hangs out in Tel Aviv is MUCH MORE safe than any of you guys in the forum. We are being guard by Radars, soldiers in the borders and police officers (not that they are walking in the streets all day), while you might get a terrorist attack (we already heard what happened in alot of countries).

So if anyone think it is not safe here, well, think again :)

Sorry if it sounds offensive, just straightening the point out.
And, btw, Israel isn't just 'killing people'

Of course not just killing people, they're also destroying pretty much everything on their path - homes, schools, hospitals, TOWNS go "Rubble Rubble"!!

Aww, I'm sorry for those missiles HAMAS is launching across the border. I mourn the loss of tens of thousands of Israeli babies killed by each of those rockets!

I didn't say you fans didn't "deserve" an Opeth show anyway, how'd you come to such a conclusion? If your country wasn't about firing cannons from heavy battlecruisers at civilian families sunbathing at beaches and killing them, I think Opeth would have a better chance to show up there. Because I tend to think the opposing sides don't like that kind of stuff and answer back, thus battles start, and Mike can't get his shit into the country. Bad luck, buddy! Tayyip Erdougan sends his condolences.
Just lock this thread or something..
If anyone want to understand what is really going on here (from a neutral political-position) you can pm me, i'll be glad to talk about it :)

The true facts are that moving the gear into Israel takes about 30 mins, 2 hours max. Maybe because they tour alot they can't afford the timing..but thats alright. I believe they have their good reasons.
The security issues are far less than what everyone thinks..it is like everywhere else in the world..just that we are abit more careful...

Every Opeth fan here is disappointed, and we live in a shitty land, with shitty people, shitty government and army, so we suffer
Of course not just killing people, they're also destroying pretty much everything on their path - homes, schools, hospitals, TOWNS go "Rubble Rubble"!!

Aww, I'm sorry for those missiles HAMAS is launching across the border. I mourn the loss of tens of thousands of Israeli babies killed by each of those rockets!

I didn't say you fans didn't "deserve" an Opeth show anyway, how'd you come to such a conclusion? If your country wasn't about firing cannons from heavy battlecruisers at civilian families sunbathing at beaches and killing them, I think Opeth would have a better chance to show up there. Because I tend to think the opposing sides don't like that kind of stuff and answer back, thus battles start, and Mike can't get his shit into the country. Bad luck, buddy! Tayyip Erdougan sends his condolences.
You should seriously consider shutting the fuck up.