Opeth in Malmo

Well, Opeth was amazing as always. The only thing that disappointed me was there was no encore!

Scroll down for setlist.

1. Demon of the Fall
2. The Baying of the Hounds
3. Master's Apprentices
4. To Rid the Disease
5. Wreath
6. Heir Apparent
7. The Drapery Falls

You don't have to be sorry about that. I never read the setlists people post because I don't like spoilers. So I had no idea. I thought I would post this for the hell of it. Sorry if it offended you!
Well...you didn't offend me....guite the opposite. I saw them too but couldn't remember Master's Apprentices -so I would have asked if you hadn't written the setlist.
Great gig by the way. Got there just in time - after driving arround Malmö for about an hour and being carsick all the way from Köge,DK.:ill::puke: