Opeth latest Pale Communion Streaming in full


You made the statement earlier that Opeth still play metal, ‘or ‘old stuff” as you called it, live. But stop and consider that for a moment; most of those songs are from the nineties. You remember the nineties… back when Clinton was President, “Friends” was still on the air, and ProgPower had yet to come into being. That’s how far we have to go back. OK… 2001 for BWP. Still, this is a band who hasn’t released great metal in 15 years. If you or anyone else is anticipating a return to form in 2017 (when they release their next record), I would expect to be disappointed.

What does 'Friends', Clinton, or ProgPower have to do with this discussion? Think this is a bit straying.
This thread has been a really great discussion about the album and band. This is why I come back to this forum over any others.

And I really just want to use this gif:

I am being very serious considering i described a scenario where the band might have been tired of making the same album for the past 10+ years and wanted to branch out and try something different. Seems they were. And seems they did it to actually keep the band going.

Actually the band hasn't made the same album in like.....ever. Yes there have always been similar elements to each album, but they've strayed so far off the beaten path that it's not even the same band anymore. At least not in the way that I knew and loved Opeth. Don't get me wrong, the new album is much better than the POS Heritage was, but it can't hold a candle to anything Ghost Reveries and older IMO. While it may be Mikael's right to make whatever music he sees fit, it's also the right of the fans to call him out on it if they don't like it. Right or wrong that's just the nature of the beast when you have such a dedicated fan base.
Actually the band hasn't made the same album in like.....ever. Yes there have always been similar elements to each album, but they've strayed so far off the beaten path that it's not even the same band anymore. At least not in the way that I knew and loved Opeth. Don't get me wrong, the new album is much better than the POS Heritage was, but it can't hold a candle to anything Ghost Reveries and older IMO. While it may be Mikael's right to make whatever music he sees fit, it's also the right of the fans to call him out on it if they don't like it. Right or wrong that's just the nature of the beast when you have such a dedicated fan base.

The only change the band ever made before Heritage and Pale Communion was recording Deliverance. Which is why people's panties are in a twist over two prog albums in a row.

All the other albums aren't "exactly" the same but they are all very similar in style hence people being so upset and calling their new albums such a departure from the "Opeth sound." that was my point, they have apparently wanted to do something different inside the band for some time and they are doing it now. and from my interpretation of what he said it needed to happen now if the band was even going to continue.

You are correct fans can get upset.
I am being very serious considering i described a scenario where the band might have been tired of making the same album for the past 10+ years and wanted to branch out and try something different. Seems they were. And seems they did it to actually keep the band going.
OK. I didn't quite get that anyone was questioning why the band changed direction. Perhaps it was in posts I just glossed over.
I agree with a lot of what you said Zod. But your statement that "this is a band who hasn’t released great metal in 15 years" is one of the more ridiculous things I've read in this place
I agree with a lot of what you said Zod. But your statement that "this is a band who hasn’t released great metal in 15 years" is one of the more ridiculous things I've read in this place
Well, more like 14 years. I rather enjoy BWP. Deliverance was not a great album. It just feels way too one dimensional, as if they were going out of their way to create as stark a dichotomy between Deliverance and Damnation as possible. After that, it's all downhill. I haven't cared for any of their albums. Honestly, I found each one of them a chore to listen to in a single sitting. There have been nice moments here and there... but great metal? None that I hear.

Point me to the great metal song from their last four albums. A song that stands head and shoulders with their earlier works and I'll go back and give it another spin. Perhaps I'm wrong.
Well, more like 14 years. I rather enjoy BWP. Deliverance was not a great album. It just feels way too one dimensional, as if they were going out of their way to create as stark a dichotomy between Deliverance and Damnation as possible. After that, it's all downhill. I haven't cared for any of their albums. Honestly, I found each one of them a chore to listen to in a single sitting. There have been nice moments here and there... but great metal? None that I hear.

Point me to the great metal song from their last four albums. A song that stands head and shoulders with their earlier works and I'll go back and give it another spin. Perhaps I'm wrong.

I don't have an issue with you having a differing opinion mate, but when you make blanket statements like "this is a band who hasn’t released great metal in 15 years" stating it like its a fact, then you are being silly.

I love Deliverance, I think it might be a while since you listened to it because its definitely isn't one dimensional. Has all the key ingredients that made up previous Opeth albums, those great dynamics between soft and heavy. Just listen to the title track or Master's Apprentices that has both sides on full display. And then there is A Fair Judgement, nothing heavy about that track at all. In terms of a great metal track, that album has a few with my fav being Master's Apprentices. Awesome track. Ghost Reveries is a classic, one of the bands better albums in my opinion. If Ghost of Perdition isn't a great metal song, then I don't know what is. Watershed as I said before i like alot as well, such an underrated album. Heir Apparent is a great metal song from that one.

For me my favourite period of Opeth is their first 3 albums, Morningrise as far as I'm concerned is the pinnacle of their catalogue. But doesn't mean their other music isn't great just because it doesn't quite hit that high i felt with Morningrise.
I don't have an issue with you having a differing opinion mate, but when you make blanket statements like "this is a band who hasn’t released great metal in 15 years" stating it like its a fact, then you are being silly.
These statements are contradictory, and frankly, a bit insulting. You first state that you don't have an issue with me holding a differing opinion. Well, my differing opinion isn't that Opeth hasn't written any great metal songs since BWP. I'm not sure what to tell you about that. That's my opinion. You then state that if I hold that opinion, I'm being silly. Sorry mate... music is subjective. I'm not sure what to tell you if you still can't appreciate that.

I love Deliverance, I think it might be a while since you listened to it because its definitely isn't one dimensional.
It's been a while since I listened to it, BECAUSE I think it's one dimensional.

Has all the key ingredients that made up previous Opeth albums...
Except (IMO) great songwriting.

Ghost Reveries is a classic, one of the bands better albums in my opinion.
Much like if you had said Load was one of Metallica's better albums, I have no response to this.

If Ghost of Perdition isn't a great metal song, then I don't know what is.
More and more I'm beginning to agree with this last part.

But doesn't mean their other music isn't great just because it doesn't quite hit that high i felt with Morningrise.
I agree; it doesn't have to reach the same high as the band's finest moment. My problem isn't that it's different or not as good, but rather that it's not that good at all. Again, music is subjective.
Well, more like 14 years. I rather enjoy BWP. Deliverance was not a great album. It just feels way too one dimensional, as if they were going out of their way to create as stark a dichotomy between Deliverance and Damnation as possible. After that, it's all downhill. I haven't cared for any of their albums. Honestly, I found each one of them a chore to listen to in a single sitting. There have been nice moments here and there... but great metal? None that I hear.

Point me to the great metal song from their last four albums. A song that stands head and shoulders with their earlier works and I'll go back and give it another spin. Perhaps I'm wrong.

I am not going to attack or criticize since I recognize we are simply talking about subjective opinion. But I have to tell you that when I was reading that post of yours too; I nodding along (even if I was not in complete agreement), then that statement about them doing nothing great in 15 years just seemed to come out of the blue. The tone of it seemed more declarative and hyperbolic than the rest of the post. Again, not saying you are wrong, it is your view of their music. But it did seem somewhat out of place with what seemed like a opinionated yet rational discussion of their music.

Personally while Still Life is my favorite album by them, I did enjoy the majority of their stuff from BWP through GR.
I am not going to attack or criticize since I recognize we are simply talking about subjective opinion. But I have to tell you that when I was reading that post of yours too; I nodding along (even if I was not in complete agreement), then that statement about them doing nothing great in 15 years just seemed to come out of the blue. The tone of it seemed more declarative and hyperbolic than the rest of the post. Again, not saying you are wrong, it is your view of their music. But it did seem somewhat out of place with what seemed like a opinionated yet rational discussion of their music.
Like I said, I'm just not a fan of anything since Deliverance. And even Deliverance was merely a solid album in my estimation. I'm genuinely not trying to be hyperbolic and would walk my original statement back if I was. So I'll say again, I just don't think they've written anything that qualifies as "great" since BWP.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the Phantom Zone today.

Nah mate. A dingo ate his sceptre.
LOL. Well played Sir.
Just thought it would be interesting to check the stats on which albums the hive mind favors. As someone who has listened to all the Opeth albums, but stopped caring much after 'Morningrise', the results were not quite what I'd expected.

1 Blackwater Park (2,806)
2 Damnation (2,798)
3 Watershed (2,162)
4 Ghost Reveries (2,038)
5 Heritage (1,836)
6 Deliverance (1,318)
7 Still Life (1,240)
9 My Arms, Your Hearse (1109)
8 Morningrise (855)
10 Orchid (725)

First, 'Damnation' is basically their most popular album (tied with 'Blackwater Park'). Either that album drew in a non-metal fanbase from somewhere, or Opeth fans are a bunch of poseurs who only pretend to like loud growly music in order to score with hot chicks.

And then 'Deliverance' must be the worst album ever. Normally you would expect an album released between the two most popular albums to be pulled up along with them, and I would expect the explicit pairing with 'Damnation' to pull it up too. Instead, the only albums behind it are those that are expectedly not listened to due to their ancientness.

And while their newer releases are not at the top of the list, they certainly stand well ahead of Zod's preferences, so I guess somebody out there prefers 'em.