Opeth news (this isn't good...)

This is from blabbermouth.net

Peter Lindgren has stepped down from his guitar-wielding duties in OPETH after 16 years. His official statement on the matter reads as follows:

"It is with sadness I announce that OPETH and I are going separate ways after almost 16 years. The decision has been the toughest I've ever made but it is the right one to make at this point in my life.

"The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a worldwide industry. The love of music has always been, and still is, our motive, but I personally have lost something along the way. The massive amount of touring has taken its toll.

"OPETH has worked extremely hard to get where we are right now and in order to persist and maintain the quality of the music, it is necessary that we continue to work hard and always stay focused. But in doing so, it means that we nowadays spend 18 or 19 months on the road and I don't feel the same enthusiasm for the upcoming world tour that I have felt earlier. I have come to a point where I realize I won't be able to give the band 100%, and from both sides this will not be good enough for what OPETH stands for. I will always love playing, listening to, and living music, but I will do it differently from now on.

"These years has easily been the best of my life and I will always cherish the memory of what we have experienced together.

"I would like to thank the band, our management, record label people, all the bands I've made friends with for everything. Most of all, I would like to thank the fans from the depth of my heart for the support throughout the years.

'I wish Mikael, Martin, Per and Axe all the best and I am confident they will continue doing the greatest music in the world!!"

Fredrik Åkesson (ex-ARCH ENEMY, KRUX, TALISMAN) has been confirmed as the new guitarist in OPETH.

Says OPETH leader Mikael Åkerfeldt: "Well, I think it's too soon right now to fully be able to explain what I feel.

"Peter and I had been working in this band together for almost half of our lives and we shared some unforgettable experiences together all over the world. We will obviously remain friends and this 'break-up' has been on very good terms from both sides. We all wish him the best of luck with his future ventures!

"Fredrik was the only name that popped up thinking about a replacement for Peter. In my opinion he's one of the top three guitar players out of Sweden. We all get along great as we've known each other for maybe four years and he already has the experience to take on the circus-like lifestyle we lead as members of OPETH.

"I can't wait to see what he can bring to the table musically and also to get out on the roads touring together. His first gig will be at the Ilosaarirock festival [July 13-15 in Joensuu] in Finland. I'm sure he'll shit his pants before that one, but then again...so will I!"
"The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a world-wide industry."

I'm not surprised one bit by this - in fact, the only thing I'm surprised by is that it took this long to happen. When I first fell in love with the band, there was no way I could ever envision their popularity exploding the way it did based on the complexity of their sound and the effort it took to absorb what they were playing at the time. There were no clear cut trends, label demands, expectations of any kind in those days, just 4 humble guys with humble backgrounds jamming & creating something truly unique, pressure-free & special. It was never meant to be commercialized (even in an "underground" sense) and once that started happening, the short term rewards were great, but the end result was inevitable.

Its not surprising though...burnout happens easier than we realize....

Maybe he will return in a few years and not only that, there could be other issues at hand. Some things are kept quiet to the public...
I'm not surprised one bit by this - in fact, the only thing I'm surprised by is that it took this long to happen. When I first fell in love with the band, there was no way I could ever envision their popularity exploding the way it did based on the complexity of their sound and the effort it took to absorb what they were playing at the time. There were no clear cut trends, label demands, expectations of any kind in those days, just 4 humble guys with humble backgrounds jamming & creating something truly unique, pressure-free & special. It was never meant to be commercialized (even in an "underground" sense) and once that started happening, the short term rewards were great, but the end result was inevitable.


Sometimes a band is better off with addition via subtraction. If one does not have the feeling for the music anymore, it is better to part ways. I wish Peter the best.
I think everything will be just fine. Would you want an uninspired Lindgren record? It's hard to think that the Opeth in a sense is now all Mikael considering how long it has been a collective effort. Opeth has been for many years my absolute favorite band and considering where the last 7 years have taken them, I really don't think that this will crumble what Opeth is and always has been. And i'm also glad it didn't turn into a questionable void having a new member already secured. I am looking forward to hearing the next Chapter in Opeth's tale, no matter who is involved in the storywriting. Long Live PETER LINDGREN!! I think it's time for some sad departure music...
I think everything will be just fine. Would you want an uninspired Lindgren record? It's hard to think that the Opeth in a sense is now all Mikael considering how long it has been a collective effort. Opeth has been for many years my absolute favorite band and considering where the last 7 years have taken them, I really don't think that this will crumble what Opeth is and always has been. And i'm also glad it didn't turn into a questionable void having a new member already secured. I am looking forward to hearing the next Chapter in Opeth's tale, no matter who is involved in the storywriting. Long Live PETER LINDGREN!! I think it's time for some sad departure music...

Akerfeldt does a vast majority of the writing anyway, but yes the announcement does suck in a major way. He will be missed, but I still have full confidence in the next album. As for departure music...how about Ending Credits? :p
"To Bid You Farewell."

And indeed, I bid Peter a fond farewell and safe journeys. A truly great performer and person, he'll be missed.

On the plus side, this potentially means I only have to make one copy of any new Ozric Tentacles CDs or boots for Opeth, instead of two. :heh: (Mikael is quite a fan of Ozrics, but Peter told me he was an even bigger fan than Mike. :))