opeth paradox: my fave Opeth album is DEFINITELY NOT an Opeth album...


Jun 1, 2001
...how so? by this word: MIX!

Here's one mix (of two) that I love:

1. in mist she was standing
2. drapery falls
3. demon of the fall
4. sillouhette
5. nectar
6. requiem
7. godhead's lament
8. harvest
9. twilight is my robe

= the greatest album in the World! (equalled only by the other Opeth mix i have, hehe)

To be honest, I can't stand Opeth albums, anymore. I can't stand Orchid... not Morningrise, not Still Life, not BP, not MAYH. Taken as wholes, the music gets texturally and stylistically monotonous. The variety of the mix, I feel, really lets each individual track breathe and much more.

Anyone sympathize? :cool:
bah, conformists I tell you! :mad:

hehe, it's cool. I expected these replies. I'm one of those who can't enjoy Opeth songs in their original contexts. For me they really come alive, outside of them. They aren't pilloried, jacketed, chained and caged. I'm spreading a different gospel, for those who are sick of Opeth orthodoxy. :spin:
well, its not a true opeth mix without THE NIGHT AND THE SILENT WATER!!!

*fat comic book guy from simpsons walks in* best opeth song ever!
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
well, its not a true opeth mix without THE NIGHT AND THE SILENT WATER!!!

*fat comic book guy from simpsons walks in* best opeth song ever!

True, true.

..but that's why I have TWO mixes, bitch! :flame: ;)

by the way, your sig: ""Education is what you must acquire without any interference from your schooling."

-- are you sure Mark Twain wrote that? I remember seeing text similar to that in the form of "I never let my schooling interfere with my education". It might be that Mark Twain stated the principle in different ways, but your sig seems too stilted and formal for Marky T, you know? ;)

Originally Posted By saturnix

that makes it so?

Whos to say it does or doesnt? how does one measure somethings greatness? if not through human perception then with what? considering that BRI is great in the eyes of the many, would that not make it indefinetly a great song?