Opeth puts me to sleep!

AllWithinMyMonster said:
Why is blopeth so fucking boring!?!~? I gave these guys like 6 chances to become a fan of theirs. I bought deliverance it blew balls! I dled mp3s. The clean vox songs are boring. 8 mins too long. No climax. Shit would put a kid with st vitus dance to sleep. The gorwling songs are so horrible i rather hear elvira scratch her nails on a chalk board! Why is blopeth so shitty. And how come borepeth has so many fans? Unfnbelievable! Mikael askerfart is a fucking egotistical testicle tickler!?!? You didnt know? He buffs in the rough with his bandmates!

So listen to something else... And stop trying so hard
Radikal_Dreamer said:
you're not mature enough to understand Opeth .

Pfffffft! I hate elitist comments like that!

I´m stupid... and immature but I like Opeth. Please tell about the wonderous things you´ve come to understand since you first began to listen to Opeth. What is there to understand, is there an answer i have to come up with or what?
I don´t have to understand music... I merely have to [corny] feel it [/corny] o_O
Ahem, i'll do teh honours....
whats their best song? maybe ive listened to all the shitty ones? lol! i dont think i have. but i could be wrong! hehe!!!!! opeth is the flavort of the fucking year. next year a new shitty band will comne out youll all hop on their bandwagon. Then blopeth will come out with a progressively softer album, as they have been doing and then you call them sell outs all while saying. Oh i like old opeth. You fucking poseurs., Blow me like your mothers do !
"Opeth puts me to sleep"

I fall asleep listening to Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, Opeth, Emperor, etc...
Does that mean that Opeth puts me to sleep?

:p ;) :p
AllWithinMyMonster : I don't think that we a posing to be anything. We are online. We don't have to size up to anything. We listen to Opeth because we like it, not because we think that it is great stuff to headbang to. Some of us don't like only heavy metal. We respect music for is ability to please us. I like anything from classic music, to classic rock, to some mainstream rock, to some mainstream metal, to metal, to black metal, to progressive psycholdelic rock, to jam music, to blues, to jazz, to death metal, to power metal, and back and forth with that list. We respect music for what it is, not what it isn't. I don't care if Opeth is a fucking flavor for the year. I will continue to listen to these same seven albums, because they are good. As for the future albums, only time will tell.
segaszivos said:
AllWithinMyMonster : I don't think that we a posing to be anything. We are online. We don't have to size up to anything. We listen to Opeth because we like it, not because we think that it is great stuff to headbang to. Some of us don't like only heavy metal. We respect music for is ability to please us. I like anything from classic music, to classic rock, to some mainstream rock, to some mainstream metal, to metal, to black metal, to progressive psycholdelic rock, to jam music, to blues, to jazz, to death metal, to power metal, and back and forth with that list. We respect music for what it is, not what it isn't. I don't care if Opeth is a fucking flavor for the year. I will continue to listen to these same seven albums, because they are good. As for the future albums, only time will tell.

Yo, I listen to everything from metal to fucking metal to ripping metal to hardcore ass pounding metal to really heavy metal!

Yeah! I have a very diverse taste in music!!!
Heh... Opeth isn't my cup of tea either, but I wouldn't go on Opeth's board complaining about their music.
Is this where we're supposed to start a flame war? Is this where we get all pissy, and start firing insults? Is this where everybody starts calling everybody else an asshole, and starts to knock down everybody's music they listen to? Is this where we make up new words like blOpeth? Is this where we say then don't listen to them? Is this where we say you're acting like a little kid? Is this where we pick on peoples use of language?

Nah - too easy and obvious.
O yeah everyone has to love that saint anger. I mean come on who dosent like a album thats worth my dog taking a shit on it. WOW WHAT FUCKING SELL OUTS. Lets not talk about them and lets thank anything that is holly that Opeth is alive and touring cause without them we might have to listen to Saint Anger. Like i always like to say Saint anger down my back and up my ass.
I'm still under the impression that this whole thread is a joke. I really hope that doesn't change.

I'm not really sure whether all the generic comments in that coincide with the ones we've been conditioned to handle so well over the years, or just the fact that the whole thread seems unprovoked... but either way, I'm really hoping it's just a joke.