Opeth puts me to sleep!

AllWithinMyMonster said:
Why is blopeth so fucking boring!?!~? I gave these guys like 6 chances to become a fan of theirs. I bought deliverance it blew balls! I dled mp3s. The clean vox songs are boring. 8 mins too long. No climax. Shit would put a kid with st vitus dance to sleep. The gorwling songs are so horrible i rather hear elvira scratch her nails on a chalk board! Why is blopeth so shitty. And how come borepeth has so many fans? Unfnbelievable! Mikael askerfart is a fucking egotistical testicle tickler!?!? You didnt know? He buffs in the rough with his bandmates!

:D I think you are the boring persone here :D :Shedevil:
You're just to dumb to understand opeth's lyrics I guess :Smug:
Why doesn't everyone just ignore the first guy and start talking about something else? Seriously, now everyone's picking on the one dude's post because he left a word out? I got what he meant.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Why is blopeth so fucking boring!?!~? I gave these guys like 6 chances to become a fan of theirs. I bought deliverance it blew balls! I dled mp3s. The clean vox songs are boring. 8 mins too long. No climax. Shit would put a kid with st vitus dance to sleep. The gorwling songs are so horrible i rather hear elvira scratch her nails on a chalk board! Why is blopeth so shitty. And how come borepeth has so many fans? Unfnbelievable! Mikael askerfart is a fucking egotistical testicle tickler!?!? You didnt know? He buffs in the rough with his bandmates!

your mom puts me to sleep!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Why is blopeth so fucking boring!?!~? I gave these guys like 6 chances to become a fan of theirs. I bought deliverance it blew balls! I dled mp3s. The clean vox songs are boring. 8 mins too long. No climax. Shit would put a kid with st vitus dance to sleep. The gorwling songs are so horrible i rather hear elvira scratch her nails on a chalk board! Why is blopeth so shitty. And how come borepeth has so many fans? Unfnbelievable! Mikael askerfart is a fucking egotistical testicle tickler!?!? You didnt know? He buffs in the rough with his bandmates!

No bitch, you put me to sleep :loco:
Go back to the Metallica forum with all the nu metal kids.