opeth QUiz

I wanna see someone get 20/20 and get the bonus point on my quiz ;). I thought of a few more...yes still sick and want to make up quiz's as Im SUHc FanBOI.

1. Opeth have filmed a documentary for 5 of their albums. True or False?

2. Wreath has an ode to the band Rush. True or False?

3. Fredrik Nordström was not involved in Production or Mixing of Blackwater Park. True or False?

4. One of the channels present in the intro to Demon of the Fall is Mayhem. True or False?

5. Mayh was released in the same year it was recorded. True or False?

6. The first time Opeth released a 2 disc set was in 2001 as Blackwater Park. True or False?

7. Mike's Grandfather passed away just before they went into recording Deliverance and Damnation. True or False?

8. Opeth have won 2 Swedish Grammy awards. True or False?

9. For Absent Friends is named after a King Crimson song. True or False?

10. A human figure appears on 6 of the 9 album covers. True or False?

11. 2000 and 2006 are the only years in this decade Opeth haven't released anything. True or False?

12. Opeth have used a guest vocalist on 3 albums. True or False?

13. Axe first made his appearance with Opeth in the video clip for Grand Conjuration after Lopez had to leave during the Sounds of the Underground tour. True or False?

14. The Mellotron Heart cd is limited to 1000 copies. True or False?

15. Still Life was released worldwide in 1999. True or False?

Here are the answers, no cheating ;). http://rapidshare.com/files/137550329/answers2.txt.html
haha I have a weird memory, when studying say maths for example, it takes me forever to remember how to work specific formulas. A phone number or random trivia I learned a decade ago I'll remember it in an instant, even if I only read or heard it once.
I guessed on a couple like the mayhem question and the rush question. I knew most of it. Some of them I knew that the question was false, but I didn't know the right answer to it. Like on the For Absent Friends one. I knew it wasn't KC, but I didn't know who originally did it.
I got 10/10 from the first one, which was shit easy.
And 8/10 from the 2nd one, which was a bit tougher.