Opeth-Songparts to sing along


steck ihn nei!
Feb 5, 2002
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I love these parts of 'Godhead's Lament' to sing along:

'Searching my way...' and 'Thought I could not leave this place...'

Once listening this song I cannot get it out of my head and sing the whole day these to parts. It must sound funny to my friends.

Also some parts of 'When' and the awesome and creepy slow growling in 'Karma' are great parts to sing along, hehe
i love singing many songs from morningrise, along with other albums... but particularly morningrise.
I was once doing "Hope leaves" analysis in my school, and from that time you can wake me up in the middle of the night and I will always sing it for you without any mistakes:) I also sometimes sing "The moor".. - "there is no forgiveness in these eyes, for any of you, but one..."
I can't imagine anybody doesn't sing "...thought I could not leave this place..." it's so goddamned catchy. The day after I saw Opeth in San Francisco, I was taking my friend, who had flown out just for the show, to the airport. I was humming that part in my head....and just when I got too, "What would they say if I did go...." right at the right time, he sang the "oooooo" out loud. Right in time. It ruled....and we spent the next 20 minutes talking all the more about how fucking great the show was. Fucking Opeth man. Geez.
I find myself conducting to Opeth when I'm listening to them. Or even if I have the song stuck in my head I'll sing and/or growl while conducting. :grin:
I agree about the Godhead's lament part being hell of catchy and i love to sing along with that and basically every other opeth song but one in particular would have to be "When" at the very end when the distortion comes in and he's like "and i cry..." and the part after that too
Godhead's Lament-
"What would they care if I did stay. No-one would know ohhhh oh ohhhhhh"

Serenity Painted Death-
"White faced, haggard grin
This serenity painted death
With a halo of bitter disease

Demon of the Fall - of course!

Leper Affinity - "IIIIIII am beyond deEEEAAath"

I am moving closer to your side
You are luring me into the night
Who is crying for you here
I am dying fast inside your tears "

and lastly but certainly not leastly, the entirety of To Bid You Farewell
Haha yeah "singing along" doesn't sound right when talking about Opeth...hahaha. My mates probably think it's weird when I'm sitting in class growling away with "The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park!" hahahaha that line is wicked.

Demon Of The Fall, Bleak, Deliverance, many songs off Damnation, bits of Black Rose Immortal...they're all good to sing along to. I haven't heard a whole lot of songs so there's not many that I 'sing' along to.

Opeth rule.
DreamingofUr said:
"twas a token of ebony color...and when the night came the forest folded its branches around-me!!" I love that damn part more then anything, so damn cool to sing along to.

I love the drums on that part. I really hope they keep April Etherial in the set, cause I haven't gotten to see that live yet. I can't fucking wait to see Opeth for the 3rd time in '04. I find myself singing to every, not just specific songs. I truly can't wait to see The Moor and Blackwater Park live.
I often sing along Opeth songs, When, Godhead's Lament and A Fair Judgement most often. Especailly "Searching my way..." part is so awesome to sing along.
Starting with, "I turn away my eyes..." on Moonlapse Vertigo. "Came with the moon..." on Serenity Painted Death. Those parts are awfully similar... I also do all of TBYF, the clean parts in Leper and Deliverance, and Closure. Just about all of Opeth's clean parts. Those and Trains by Porcupine Tree.