Opeth tour postponed


For anyone in Melb, Alchemist are playing at the Espy on Nov 7 with Truth Corroded, Contrive and Steel Affliction. Costs $15 though!
They suck now, their live sets are far from interesting, and the only reason I still watch them is so i can see Yoni Kunda and Chinese Whispers.

I mean fuck, the last time I saw them they didn't even play eve of the war.
Koichi said:
They suck now, their live sets are far from interesting, and the only reason I still watch them is so i can see Yoni Kunda and Chinese Whispers.

I mean fuck, the last time I saw them they didn't even play eve of the war.
Hhmmm. . .
Glad I's didn't stick around for their entire set last time. I's only hang around to catch Yoni Kunda, Eve Of The War & Alpha Capella Nova Vega. I's saw their sound check and heard them before someone fucked the sound up, so I's happy, but I's sent almost every gig they've done since 2000, so it ain't nothing special to I anymore.
Oh, well.
Anyone got any more news on the postppned Opeth gigs?
The Pimp NeonBlack
Only time I've seen them recently was in support of Opeth earlier in the year. They were pretty good then.