Important: Immortal/Cryptopsy/etc. show

I wish I could disclose who it is Cruehead but I've sworn to secresy to promoter and because I am working at the show as a crew member and I don't want to lose my priveleges. I really can't say. When it will be confirmed the promoter will announce it himself... and Draven it's not Dark Funeral but similar style... no more hints hehe
What kind of stuff are Arcturus doing these days? I only have one of their albums, recorded in 1995 or so (Aspira Hiems Symfonia), but gather they changed a bit after that.
Arcturus has(d?) changed dramatically after AHS. They actually managed to release one of the greatest albums ever "The Sham Mirrors". They became a lot less Symphonic Black Metal, and became, a way, a guide to the universe, metal style.

Garms vocal style changed completely. Which was definately for the better.

But alas, he is no longer apart of arcturus, and is now focusing on Ulver.
The only Black Metal bands that would make me wet my pants if they came over would be Anaal Nathrakh, Frost, Emperor (I Know, I know), Napolyon, Watchmaker, Aborym, Red Harvest or Satyricon.
Oh, and zyklon as well!!!

I believe that they are currently/finishing recording an album at the moment. But they would be fucking insane. And plus it would pretty much be my only chance to see 2/3's of emperor.

But hey, i'll also settle for DEP if they decide to throw them in immortal's place. haha.