Immortal, Cryptopsy, Sodom to Melbourne!

Bloody hell only 1 show in melbourne shit
Any chance anyone in sydney own a jet so u can fly us all down :D my chances of makin it to melbourne are lookin very grim now
Cruehead said:
Thats it who am I kiddin ive gotta see that show.. Im gonna find out bout how much planes cost to get down there right now

I think you can fly to Melbourne for about $80 - $100 bucks, depending on how comfortable you wanna be :p.
Replace Cryptopsy with SUFFOCATION or IMMOLATION, replace Immortal with any black metal band that has released a good album this century, replace Doro with some other slut that was born after 1960, and you would get my $80 [plus airfares from Brisbane, drinking money] etc...

It is indeed a tragedy that it is a week before INCANT Melbourne, but in Mark/Crestfallen's defense i would say he has been organising this for a very long time. trying to fit in 4 international bands touring schedules, managers, agents bullshit wouldnt of been easy. Plus he did the correct thing in not announcing it until it was 100% confirmed, you have to respect his decision in that regard... I just hope it goes ok for the reputation of the Australian metal scene internationally, in regard to future bands touring.

Also the one off show thing is weird, but i guess it would be costly as fukk to get 4 fairly well known metal bands around this massive country.

You would think he will need atleast 1500 people at $80 to make it worth his while, and you would think he would get that. I see that many immortal shirts these days it aint funny, tragic really when their last good album was Battles... I also have heard that they play fukk all from Pure Holocaust. If i travelled to Melb an they didnt play Unsilent storms - that would be sacrilege. But good luck to Abbath trying to play Demonaz's riffs... Ever Since rock and roll wrestler Horge joined the band they have been a joke...

Anyway give me Bloodlust with Incantation anyday, that is now the best extreme metal day of the year, hands down...
I'd say Immortal are getting better with age. Instead of just trying to be a constant barrage of speed they're actually slowing down and getting a different sort of atmosphere going, not to mention some plain fucking rocking riffs. And I'll agree that Horgh looks like a clown but he's probably the most solid drummer they've had, don't try to tell me Abbath can play drums well...

I've been a bit indifferent to Cryptopsy lately, I'd probably prefer Dying Fetus or Origin. Or hell, some of the old school Swedes couldn't hurt.
I cant seriously fucking comprehend them just comming all the way fucking here for one show!!! fuck ive gotta get down there...
Chow Mai Dong said:
I've been a bit indifferent to Cryptopsy lately, I'd probably prefer Dying Fetus or Origin. Or hell, some of the old school Swedes couldn't hurt.

Indeed. I've never quite understood the hype over Cryptopsy. They've always sounded like a mess to me. The live album is garbage. Origin and Dying Fetus, however... excellent choices!