Opeth touring with Cynic!?

We just made it to Hellfest vip by telling the guy at the door that we've come 4 thousand kms by train for Opeth and we just want to take some pics with them.I'm so grateful that he let us in and we had the chance to meet the guys for the second time.
Actually it was really hard to talk properly, bec we were seriously excited, though we could talk a bit.And after Mikael realized my friend's Cynic tshirt, he mentioned that they might tour with them in winter.I'll put the parts we have talked with them and the tour news is in the first part.

Focus is better than half of Opeth's output imo >< Classic album. I dunno how the guys are holding up live these days since the album came out in like 1992 though :p


In regards of the possible tour, this would genuinely be a dream come true for me.
We just made it to Hellfest vip by telling the guy at the door that we've come 4 thousand kms by train for Opeth and we just want to take some pics with them.I'm so grateful that he let us in and we had the chance to meet the guys for the second time.
Actually it was really hard to talk properly, bec we were seriously excited, though we could talk a bit.And after Mikael realized my friend's Cynic tshirt, he mentioned that they might tour with them in winter.I'll put the parts we have talked with them and the tour news is in the first part.


abi supersiniz ya. Turkiyede olsaydim kesin giderdim konsere ama Eylulde Philadelphiada gidecem :)

Sorry Im turkish too i just wanted to represent! haha
abi supersiniz ya. Turkiyede olsaydim kesin giderdim konsere ama Eylulde Philadelphiada gidecem :)

Sorry Im turkish too i just wanted to represent! haha

eyvallah ya, saolas&#305;n.çok iyiymi&#351; türkiye konseri harbiden, ama hellfest için kaç&#305;rm&#305;&#351; olunca normalden daha az koyuyor.tarihlerin tam üst üste çak&#305;&#351;mas&#305; kötü oldu.sen amerikada ya&#351;&#305;yorsun herhalde yada master falan, çok &#351;ansl&#305;s&#305;n harbiden, her sene en az bi kere u&#287;ruyorlar oralara zaten.cynicle birlikte türkiyeye gelmeleri hayal gibi bi&#351;ey zaten, bakal&#305;m