Opeth - what the fuck?


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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just got this of the totalrock news letter:


Some of TotalRock’s top DJs will be helping rock the second annual Midsummer Nightmare Festival, which happens at the Phoenix in Exeter on June 1. Among the bansd appearing on two stages are [spunge], OPETH, Skindred, Onedice, Vacant Stare, Sugacoma, Sikth, The Kennedy Soundtrack, Breed 77, Goatboy, Torna-K, Devolved and 80s Matchbox B-Line Disaster. Tickets cost £15. For full details, go to www.fun-1.com

what the fuck!!!!???? in case you dont know about the other bands, they're um...punk and crap sorta bands. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by TempleGod
huh?? maybe opeth was misspelled and its supposed to be otep or something

nope, I just checked the site.. its really them, even has a picture of them on there.

Its pretty funny how they say the night Opeth is playing 'features a line up of Nu-Metal, Indie Rock and Ska Punk' bands

i just had a hilarious thought (if this is indeed true).
just imagine the horrified reaction those people are gonna have when akerfeldt lets loose that first growl! :lol:
That's kind of like at my work when I play metal in my cubicle. It is funny to see people's first reaction to extreme vocal patterns when they originally had no idea that such a thing could exist.
well its not that i mind, i think it would be good to get a different audience, just a bit annoying if you only like Opeth...once again, thats wierd, i mean its like as shocking as S Club 7 playing with Thorns and Satyricon...i wanna know how it turns out, reviews expected.
What the fuck indeed, this is very unexpected, are Opeth getting bigger...???
Wow, that's incredible... I only live about 15km from Exeter - I find it unbelievable that Opeth would even come down here, generally we get absolutely nothing on the music concert front...

I'm considering going, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle all the nu-metal rubbish and I suppose Opeth'll be right at the bottom of the billing and play like 1 song :(.

Also, I'm worried that the nu-metal kiddies would boo Opeth when they hear them, and then I'd have to kill everyone, which I don't really want to do.

Even still, £15 might be worth it, seeing as I'll have no travel costs at all.

well onedice are decent, and you should go, i mean its OPETH!!! hmn, contact the organiser or something, i mean ive emailed someone before to ask about line-ups at other gigs and stuff, and they email you so...(i havent got an address for this one though, sorry) and you can go around the time opeth are on, or just say fuck it and go to the whole thing.

oh and welcome to the board.

NP: - Diabolical Masquerade - 2nd Movement (the man who hides a face inside)
Yeah good idea, I think I've found an email address but I'd probably just watch the whole thing anyway, even if it's just to laugh at the other bands.

And thanks :), I've been a lurker for ages but the possible close proximity of Opeth to my house propelled me into the thought of registering and posting :p.
Maybe they're trying to get a broader fan base. I knew it... double c.d release, alternative festivals.... it's all heading downhill:rolleyes: :D