Opeth's logo stolen...by a cruise line???

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This is certainly interesting. I'll be interested to see Mike's response to this. What I don't get is why the fuck would they want to use it??? It doesn't suit the company or the website at all!!!

I thought this was going to be a melloboat joke at first...
Gotta be fake. Look at how amateurish the whole site is.

edit: here's the domain registration info:

registrant-firstname: Brian
registrant-lastname: Culwell
registrant-organization: Soleil Du Soir
registrant-street1: 14954 HWY 105 West
registrant-pcode: 77365
registrant-state: TX
registrant-city: Montgomery
registrant-ccode: US
registrant-phone: +888.5152525
registrant-email: brian@soleildusoir.com
They aren't using the full Opeth logo. They are using the O in the same font. The question is, is this a custom font or a public font, in which case they have the right to use.

From my understanding, it was never rendered into a font.
Lawl. They changed the logo. Must've been my e-mail bombing. :)
edit: You can still see it when it's loading and in the background.
Gotta be fake. Look at how amateurish the whole site is.

edit: here's the domain registration info:

registrant-firstname: Brian
registrant-lastname: Culwell
registrant-organization: Soleil Du Soir
registrant-street1: 14954 HWY 105 West
registrant-pcode: 77365
registrant-state: TX
registrant-city: Montgomery
registrant-ccode: US
registrant-phone: +888.5152525
registrant-email: brian@soleildusoir.com

Nah, it was actually on billboards.
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