Opinions about my deathcore thingy!


May 20, 2010
Izmir, Turkey
Hi there..I'm doin some recordings since 2 years, and so far i got lotta information and technique about recording and mixing metal music..And i need some help and comments..

Anyhow, i still got some lacking points and can't find a way to fix this "problem".. At the link bottom, u'll hear my very last track, which is going to end soon (in my head but not in my DAW yet :P) Like my other projects, i'm using Nuendo 4, POD Farm with Hi-Gain Add-on, S.Drummer 2.0 with M.Foundry, RealGuitar2 at the beginning, and lotta Waves Plug-in's..And i got AKG K-55 headphones for recordings..

In this song i've used a custom drum setup, which sound imho not so fine, and in POD Farm i've used Diezel VH-4 Lead with 4*12 Mesa (one in the Farm) with SM57 Off Axis..Guitar is RG7321 with S.Duncan Evo7 on Bridge.

There's NOT any external EQ'ing or any other processing in this song, full internal mixing..Got some velocity problems in Cymbals especially :)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7305927/isvec metalik.mp3

Things i want to say:

1-Your comments and advices about the song (do this, do that not blabla)

2-I want to sound my songs NEAR! It's really hard to explain in this way but..Let me say, Depth and Dimension! Considering any other song, my recording sounds so "thin" or "diminished"..S.it, i cant find the exact definition :waah:

Literally, all of you guyz have recordings, which sound decent! Just like a real studio record! How are you doing that? Which process am i lacking of? What should i do to put some energy into my recording?

3-If any of you people have any preset for any Plugin that i use, can you please share'em with me? I demand this, cuz i want to see, if i'm doin anything wrong..

4-During my recording adventure so far, i've experienced mostly that my guitar sound wasn't "big" enough. I've tried tons of different plug-ins and settings but no chance! BTW; for guitars, i've ALWAYS recorded 2 Channels at the very same setting, and panned them FULLY..Would it be the trick? Shall i try recording more than 2 channel's with little differences on settings?

I'll be VERY happy if you guyz happen to answer me..Thanks in advance..
Dropbox- use it. Most people won't even bother listening if they have to download it, especially from an awful host like Rapidshit.
Also, asking for presets isn't exactly the best way to win people over around here. You commented on all these "guyz"'s recordings as being "decent," so you oughta know the basics by now such as file host/plugins etiquette/etc. It's in all the stickies.
ye its not Dethcore at all i know :P As above mentioned, drums are played in S.Drummer M.Foundry except the kick (from Avatar) and snare(from DFH). I've been trying to get a massive sound so far, which between like Suicide Silence and In Flames. Isnt there anything more, which comes weird to ear?! As far as i can say, its not as good as the most of recording, which are here shared by other people. It lacks of something, but i still dont know what it is..
Send it to a 800$ a day mix engineer or practice then you'll get what you want.

Only trying to help

I'm excluding you from my last message buddy, no worries ;) But yes, what i only need is practising, but without knowing some basic principles or "must" things, i can't proceed much, u know..
One thing I can say about the guitar sound is that it sounds very scooped and too fizzy to me. Turn those mids up and it'll start to make a difference.
guitars- mids up, gain down
bass- turn it up
drums- cymbals are too loud, snare and kick are too quiet, take some reverb off of the snare as well.
My mixes still suck and I have been coming here for four years.... patience grasshopper. But from what I can tell, the kick is lifeless, too many cymbals going on in the beginning, and as previsously mentioned more mids, less gain. :) hang in there... this is the best place on the web to get metal mixing advice. Hands down.
I'll work on these advices, thanks. I'm still looking for a more powerful kick sound. I know the O.head is overloud..But when it comes to guitars, i still need even some basic principles i guess..There are 2 channels in this record, which are fully panned to both sides..Is that right? Or should i record more than 2 guitars? Or shall i record only 1 channel in Dual Mode in POD Farm? For now, my only problem is not catching "wholeness" between the guitar sounds..We listen millions of records and regardless of recorded guitar channels in the song, they come to ear as a "whole", as if it's just 1 channel..What's your ideas about that?
I'll work on these advices, thanks. I'm still looking for a more powerful kick sound. I know the O.head is overloud..But when it comes to guitars, i still need even some basic principles i guess..There are 2 channels in this record, which are fully panned to both sides..Is that right? Or should i record more than 2 guitars? Or shall i record only 1 channel in Dual Mode in POD Farm? For now, my only problem is not catching "wholeness" between the guitar sounds..We listen millions of records and regardless of recorded guitar channels in the song, they come to ear as a "whole", as if it's just 1 channel..What's your ideas about that?

It's really tight playing, or really tight editing. For right now, focus on getting your two guitar tones down, no sense in throwing more shit into the mix if you can't get those going first. Really try and work on the bass (instrument) too, that's what centers your mix and gives the guitars their balls. Your panning is fine, keep recording two separate takes. keep at it! and keep posting your progress so we can help.
It's really tight playing, or really tight editing. For right now, focus on getting your two guitar tones down, no sense in throwing more shit into the mix if you can't get those going first. Really try and work on the bass (instrument) too, that's what centers your mix and gives the guitars their balls. Your panning is fine, keep recording two separate takes. keep at it! and keep posting your progress so we can help.

U've mentioned about bass..What should i do for it? Some tonal changes or ?
make sure that it's tracked properly, it has to be in perfect time with guitars to really add the impact. try and use a real one, with new strings through a decent di. be careful with compression, really read up on what to do for bass because you can completely neuter a mix if you don't know how to compress a bass properly.
i already got a 5-string bass ;) but i'm using Line 6 GX for recording my both guitars. seemingly i'll need some tutorial for "compression" anyway :)
Sounds a lot better than the first attempt... Mix is getting better
CRANK THAT KICK DRUM... i can barely hear it and turn up the snare a little more... Send all your drums to a reverb & give them some room to breathe and turn the track with reverb up under the real drums... High Pass guitars at like 150hz and low pass at like 10khz so you can leave room for the cymbals... Do not label this as deathcore its nothing like deathcore... Parallel Compress the guitars... Parallel Compress the drums it will start to sound HUGE if you use those techniques properly...
Parallel Compressing..I need to learn, how its made dude, cuz never heard of it..I'm still working on the Kick tone and i know that the drums need some reverb ;) Gonna fix it soon..But before, my guitar sound should be more "stereo" and "wide" than this, right?