Opinions of the new video! (SPOILERS INSIDE... WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!)


Mar 8, 2004
Just downloaded it... Very creative! I was impressed seeing such a high quality effort (especially when compared to the Withering Away video :p ) I especially loved the ending when the foot came through the ground!

Hey Kalmah, just out of curiousity, can you provide some facts about the video? Such as how long it took to make, how big the budget was, who wrote/directed it, and any plans on broadcasting on TV networks? Thanks!
I love the fact that they put a swamplord in it. Would've liked to see some more band time, but all in all it was an excellent video.
just want to say, that was an amazing video, i agree with suspect about seeing a little more band time, but nonetheless, it was very good. Congrats on making a :kickass: video!
Yeah, definitely a kickass vid! The mood is fucking excellent!
I agree with wanting to see the band play longer.
That was pretty worth the wait. The shot of the swamplord standing behind the 2 children resembled a big budget fantasy flick, it was that high quality. Great to finally see the band shredding it up on their instruments too! Very nice job Kalmah, you should feel extremely proud of that video.
The video is sweet! I was laughing the whole time at how well they portrayed their Swamp image. hahaha, with those renissance shirts and barefoot and all, got that's great !!!!!

I love the ending too, where the guy's foot falls through to their layer, and they look up. Man, this is pretty much exactly what I expected from Kalmah.
the video is fucking great I have never seen fucking cool video clip like this in my life Congratulation kalmah for this video and keep it up :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :worship: :worship: :worship: