I've never tried the Twin Jet, but I just couldn't get along with the Rev Blue Uberschall... While it sounded phenomenal with a boost on it, I completely hated it without one. That might not be a big deal for studio use, but I personally can't stand when I own an amp that HAS to have a boost to sound good. If I just bought a $2000 amp and I have to add something else to it to even make it usable for me, then I'm getting rid of that amp ASAP

They sound like a glorified Recto to me (somewhere between a 2 channel's clarity and a 3 channel's flubbiness), and at the price they cost, I'd rather just buy a Recto for half the price, at least they don't need a boost to sound good.
I haven't tried an original Avenger in a while, though I do remember the last time, I was at Guitar Center, and the other amps in the room were a Diezel Einstein, VH4 and Marshall JVM, and I liked the Avenger best, by far. However, I have to say, the Hot Rod Avenger is without a doubt my favorite Soldano ever made. I used to have an SLO, and while it sounded great, it was very much a lead players amp, and while the Depth mod did wonders to its Rhythm capabilities, I was still left a little underwhelmed. While it had some insane clarity, which I LOVED, it just didn't have the balls I wanted out of it, unless it was cranked VERY loud. A week after I got rid of my SLO, I got a chance to own a Hot Rod Avenger for about a week and a half and was completely blown away, such awesome amps! All the clarity of an SLO, but with the low end chunkiness of a more modern amp.
I also had a Hot Rod 50, which I really disliked at first. Fortunately, after about a week of using it and hating the amp, I decided to do some crazy EQing on the front panel, and wow, that amp REALLY livened up. You CANNOT EQ these amps like you would a 5150 or something similar, it will sound like utter shit. It's been a while since I had mine, but I remember there was some weird EQing going on, especially on the bass knob - Can't remember which it was, but I remember I had to turn it close to one of the extremes (completely off, or completely full) to even get it to sound anywhere close to decent. These amps also need more volume than the Avengers would to get a real chunky sound, since they have less gain on tap. That being said, I really liked this amp after I got it sounding good, not as much as the Hot Rod Avenger... but probably second to it in the Soldano line