Opinions on Dragonlord


El Jefe
Dec 1, 2001
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I purchased there cd rapture about a month ago,and it is not bad,actually its quite good! But with a talented bass player like Steve Digorgio they should have made his bass playing more prominent in the production instead of being buried under all the other instruments.

Anyway what does everybody think about this band?
I have had the CD for a few months, don't listen to it too much. It is ok if you want something angry or similar to Dimmu's PEM, but I don't think it is anything special at all.
I don't get the comparisons to Dimmu....I rather dislike Dimmu, but I really like Dragonlord...It's like Thrash/death with a slight BM influence (i.e. keyboards). The vocals just seem like pissed of thrash vocals with an extra upper register (actually they remind more of Sadus than Black Metal vocals)
this is sort of off topic but not worth its own thread.
The name Dragonlord made me think of it...... A band called Thy Majeste..... anyone listen to them.....Its like fantasy metal...I dont like the dudes singing ( not that its bad, just not my taste) but the music and the idea of the album seem cool as hell. Its about a king reclaiming his country or something.... Really neat. The review I read of it said it was music for people born in the wrong century and that's what caught my attention......