Would like some opinions on a band dilema.


The Apprentice
Okay so where to begin..

My band has been at it for a few years now and we are by no means professionals but we have a very steep learning curve. Our bass play has always been our weakest link. Seriously he is so fucking bad at his instrument that you would think he's only been playing for 3 weeks. The only thing keeping him in the band was the friendship factor and the fact that there is not a single other available bassist around here. Thankfully he saved us the trouble and quit a few days ago.

Although we were all slightly relieved, now we face a bit of a dilemma. We no bassists and there are none for miles. Going without a bass is not an option because we play shows about every month or so.

Yesterday someone suggested teaching a friend of ours bass and having him be the replacement. At first I kind of laughed at it and shrugged it off but the more I think about it, the more I think it could work. He doesn't have to be super good. I think he could be better than our old bassist in a month and we don't play really progressive stuff.

I have a lot of free time to spend with him and teach him (I'm the guitarist)

He has a little experience playing guitar from when I taught him a few years ago

Im pretty sure he would be dedicated because music is one of his biggest passions but he never had an outlet for it.

Me and one band member are convinced that this will work but the other two are still kinda on the fence. The biggest concern is equipment. I know he can afford it but I want to make sure his place is solidified in the band before he goes out and drops a bunch of money on it.

So this is our current dilemma. What are your opinions on it? Cheers :Smokin:
What exactly is the dilemma? You either teach your friend or...?

I'm wondering the same thing..

Talk to your friend about it..
If he wants to spend money on gear and it works out, then huzzah!
He can always sell the stuff if he doesn't fit into the band..